International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Treaty of Alliance among Denmark, France, and Great Britain

powers, that is to fay, his Britannick Majefty to John lord
Glenorchy, knight of the order of the Bath, and envoy extraordi-
nary from his majefty the king of Great Britain to his majefty
the king of Denmark; his moft Chriftian Majefty to Peter
Blouet, count of Camilly, knight of the grand crofs of the order
of St. John of Jerufalem, captain of the fhips of his moft Chrift-
ian Majefty, and his ambaffador plenipotentiary to his majefty
the king of Denmark ; as likewife his Danifh Majefty to his
minifters, viz. Ulrick Adolph of Holftein, count of Holftenburg,
knight of the order of the elephant, great chancellor, privy
counfellor of the council, and chamberlain to his majefty the
king of Denmark ; John George of Holftein, lord of Mollen-
hagen, knight of the order of the elephant, privy counfellor of
the council, and governor of the bailywick of Tondern, for his
majefty the king of Denmark; and Chriftian Lewis of Plefleu,
lord of Tufingoe, Silfoe and Glorup, knight of the order of Dun-
nebrog, and privy counfellor of the council of his majefty the
king of Denmark ; who, having maturely weighed the circumf-
tances of the times, and the dangers which threaten the domin-
ions of his Danifh Majefty, and which may trouble the quiet of
Lower Saxony, and of the countries abovementioned, have
agreed upon the following articles,
I. His Danifh Majefty being wholly perfuaded, that their Bri-
tannick and moft Chriftian Majefties will fulfil the engagements
and guaranties given, with refpect to the duchy of Slefwick, and
that they will ufe all the efforts imaginable to maintain the quiet
of the Lower Saxony ; his Danifh Majefty, to concur in the fame
end, promifes to keep on foot a body of troops of 24,000 men,
their officers, equipages, and artillery, which fhall affemble
without any delay, in the place that fhall be the moft proper ;
and fhall march every where, as it fhall be needful, upon the firft
certain advices which fhall be received of the motion of the
Mufcovite troops, or of any other power whatfoever which fhall
come to attack Slefwick, and to trouble the quiet and tranquility
of the Lower Saxony, and of the provinces belonging to the high
contractors in the circle of Weftphalia.
II. His Danifh Majefty further obliges himfelf, when the faid
body of troops of 24,000 men comes to march, to have on foot
at the fame time another body of 6,000 men, defigned to re-
inforce the former body, if there be need.
III. And, towards helping, at prefent, his Daniflt Majefty to
fupport the expence he will be obliged to make for fulfilling the
engagements fpecified in the precedent articles, his moft Chrift-
ian Majefty promifes to caufe to be paid to his Danifh Majefty
an annual fubfidy of 350,000 rixdollars, current money of Den-
mark ; which fhall be continued for the fpace of four years, to be
reckoned from the day of the ratification of this prefent treaty,
and fhall be paid exactly every three months, by way of advance,
at Hamburg.
IV. His moft Chriftian Majefty promifes further, in order to
eafe his Danifh Majefty of part of the charge he will be at, in
cafe the faid 24,000 men fhould be put; in march towards the
place of rendezvous, to take 12,000 men into his pay, in fuch
manner that, as the defence of the king of Denmark is their firft

concern, his moft Chriftian Majefty fhall not pay them but on
the foot of 9,000, in the fame proportion as his Danifh Majefty
gives to his troops when they are in the field, as well for the pay
of each regiment of foot and horfe, as for that of the ftaff-offk-
ers of each regiment, of the general field officers, and of the
artillery, in proportion to the number of 12,000 men of his
troops, officers, and other perfons neceffary for his fervice.
V. The pay in the manner it is juft now exprefled, fhall not
begin to be on the account of his moft Chriftian Majefty, but
from the day of the firft review which fhall be made before his
majefty’s commiflary general, when the troops fhall be drawn
together in a body, as an army in order to take the field ; the firft
month fhall be paid by way of advance, and fo from month to
month, as long as the faid troops fhall be in the pay of his moft
Chriftian Majefty.
VI. And although his moft Chriftian Majefty might with
juftice pretend, that the fubfidy fhould ceafe on the day that the
pay commences; however, as it may happen that the payment of
thefe troops might begin before the king of Denmark could
receive any effeftual fuccour from the faid fubfidy, his moft
Chriftian Majefty is willing to confent, that, if the faid pay of the
troops mould commence before the king of Denmark fhould
have received two years of the fubfidy, then he will continue the
fubfidy as long as is neceffary, to the end that the king of Den-
mark may always have two years of the fubfidy, what was paffed,
and what was to come, being reckoned ; and if, after the faid two
years, the faid troops fhould remain no longer in the pay of his
moft Chriftian Majefty, then the fubfidy ftipulated in the third
article fhatl continue to be paid to his Danifh Majefty to the end
of the four years, which is the term of the prefent treaty.
VII. His moft Chriftian Majefty will, when he fhall be
required to do it, fend a commiffary upon the place to affift at
the review which fhall be made of the faid troops in order to
march ; the faid commiflary fhall Irkewife take the names of the
regiments which fhall then go into the pay of his moft Chriftian
Majelty; he fhall examine whether they are duly equipped,
mounted and armed ; the giving of the vacant commiffions, and
the adminiftration of juftice, fhall, as before, be-done by his
Danifh Majefty: the commiffary general from his majefty lhall
affilt at all the confultations for the military operations; and,
although it is not poffible to determine beforehand as to any
cafe of war, which doth not yet exift, it is however agreed in gen-
eral, that the twelve thoufand men of the troops in the pay of
his moft Chriftian Majefty, on the foot of nine thoufand men,
fhall be treated in all things with a perfect equality, as the twelve
thoufand men entirely in the pay of the king of Denmark.
VIII. If it happens that his faid moft Chriftian Majefty fhould
not think that he has any more need for the fuccour of his allies,
to continue the payment of the faid troops, he fhall be obliged
to give his Danifh Majefty notice thereof two months before.
IX. His Britannick Majefty on his fide, fhall hold in a
readinefs to march a body of twelve thoufand men, to be joined
to the twenty four thoufand men of the Danifh troops above-
mentioned, upon the firft certain advice which fhall be received
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