International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Guide to Alliances by Region

2.1115 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Russia and
Turkey 104
January 3, 1799

2.1116 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Great
Britain and Turkey 104
January 5, 1799

2.1117 Treaty of Alliance between Turkey and the
Two Sicilies 104
January 21, 1799

3.1145 Treaty of Unkiar-Skelessi 130
June 26, 1833

3.1151 Convention for the Pacification of the Levant
among Austria, Great Britain, Prussia and
Russia, and Turkey (London Convention) 136
July 15, 1840

3.1159 Convention between France and Great Britain
Relative to Military Aid Being Given to Turkey 144
April 10, 1854

3.1161 Convention between Austria and Turkey
relative to the occupation of the Danubian
Principalities (Convention of Boyadji-Keuy) 146
June 14, 1854

3.1165 Treaty among Austria, France, and Great
Britain guaranteeing the Independence and
Integrity of the Ottoman Empire 150
April 15, 1856

3.1191 Convention of Defensive Alliance between
Great Britain and Turkey 180
June 4, 1878

3.1203 Treaty of Alliance between Korea and Japan 198
August 26, 1894

3.1204 Sino-Russian Secret Treaty of Alliance 199
June 3, 1896

4.1205 Anglo-Japanese Alliance 212
January 30, 1902

4.1213 Root-Takahira Exchange of Notes 221
November 30, 1908

4.1215 Convention in Regard to Manchuria 222
July 4, 1910

4.1221 Treaty of Alliance between the Ottoman
Empire and Bulgaria 229
August 19, 1914

4.1226 Agreement between Japan and Russia for the
Maintenance of a Permanent Peace in
the Far East 231
July 3, 1916

4.1231 Treaty of Friendship between Persia and
the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic 234
February 26, 1921

4.1232 Treaty of Alliance between Turkey and
Afghanistan 237
March 1, 1921

4.1236 Treaty of Friendship and Security between
Persia and Afghanistan 240
June 22, 1921
4.1237 Treaty among the United States of America,
the British Empire, France, and Japan 242
December 13, 1921
4.1246 Treaty of Friendship and Neutrality between
Turkey and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics 251
December 17, 1925
4.1247 Treaty of Friendship and Security between
Persia and Turkey 252
April 22, 1926
4.1251 Treaty of Neutrality and Non-Aggression
between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan 257
August 31, 1926
4.1256 Treaty of Guarantee and Neutrality between
Persia and the Soviet Union 261
October 1, 1927
4.1260 Treaty of Neutrality, Conciliation, and Judicial
Settlement between the Kingdom of Italy and
the Turkish Republic 266
May 30, 1928
4.1264 Treaty of Neutrality, Conciliation, Judicial
Settlement and Arbitration Between Bulgaria
and Turkey 271
March 6, 1929
4.1266 Treaty of Neutrality, Conciliation, and
Arbitration between France and Turkey 277
February 3, 1930
4.1267 Treaty of Preferential Alliance: The United
Kingdom and Iraq 278
June 30, 1930
4.1268 Treaty of Friendship, Neutrality, Conciliation,
and Arbitration between Greece and Turkey 280
October 30, 1930
4.1275 Treaty of Friendship, Non-Aggression,
Arbitration, and Conciliation between
Roumania and Turkey 289
October 17, 1933
4.1276 Treaty of Friendship, Non-Aggression, Arbitration,
and Conciliation between the Turkish Republic
and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 291
November 27, 1933
4.1280 Treaty of Taif 297
May 20, 1934
4.1285 Soviet Pact of Mutual Assistance with
the Mongolian People’s Republic 305
March 12, 1936
4.1286 Treaty of Arab Brotherhood and Alliance
between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
and Iraq 306
April 2, 1936

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