International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

170 Chapter 2

Narrative: Paraguayan forces seized a small Bolivian encampment called Puerto
Pacheco at Bahia Negra in the disputed Chaco region. Paraguay then laid claim to the
area shortly after.
Coding changes: End Date changed from February 13, 1888.


Dispute Number: 1179
Date(s): January 1906
Participants: 145 Bolivia/150 Paraguay
Outcome (and Settlement): Compromise (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: The border between Bolivia and Paraguay was always unclear after both
gaining independence from Spain. However, the issue of Chaco Boreal was of minor
concern then. It became a matter of vital importance following the War of the Pacific,
when Bolivia became landlocked, and the War of the Triple Alliance, when Paraguay
lost a significant amount of territory. The Chaco, and the Rio Pilcomayo in particular,
became a strategic matter for Bolivia and a matter of national honor for Paraguay. In
1906, Bolivia encroached on the border and began adding forts on the Pilcomayo, then
considered Paraguayan territory. Paraguay responded by building its own forts. Both
sides attempted to resolve the issue with Argentina’s arbitration on a treaty signed
January 12, 1907. While Argentina intervened in hopes of resolving the issue, it is not
clear their effort was successful. The treaty was not ratified and the unexpected death
of Bolivian minister Emeterio Cano and overall dissatisfaction in Bolivia doomed the
Coding changes: Outcome changed from Compromise. Settlement changed from


Dispute Number: 1182
Date(s): October 1918
Participants: 145 Bolivia/150 Paraguay
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Bolivia constructed forts along the Gran Chaco region, which was con-
tested by Paraguay.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from November 1918. End Date changed from
December 1918.


Dispute Number: 2129
Date(s): April 1921
Participants: 145 Bolivia/150 Paraguay

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