Unit 11: How to rent a flat in Moscow 163
of construction is often found with давно� ‘long since, for a long time,
long ago’:
Пи�тер уже� давно и�щет кварти�ру
‘Peter has been looking for a flat for a long time’.
(Audio 2.8)
- Say hi to Misha. Remark that you have not seen him for a long time
in the hostel. Ask him where he has been. - Приве�т, Ю�рий! Я не живу� бо�льше в общежи�тии. Я снима�ю квар-
ти�ру недалеко� от университе�та. - Ask how he found it. Did he look through the internet or apply to an
agency? - Нет, че�рез газе�ту «Из рук в ру�ки». Ты слы�шал о тако�й газ�те?
Э�то оче�нь поле�зная (useful) газе�та, когда� ты хо�чешь прода�ть,
купи�ть и�ли снять кварти�ру. - Ask him if it is a one-roomed flat. Say that you are looking for a one-
roomed flat but you still haven’t found a suitable one. - Да, однако�мнатная.
- Tell him he is lucky. Ask if he is pleased with his flat.
- О�чень дово�лен. Че�рез две неде�ли я устра�иваю новосе�лье.
Приглаша�ю тебя� на новосе�лье. - Thank you very much! Yo u’ll come with pleasure!
- Я позвоню тебе� � на следующей неде� �ле и мы договори�мся! (confirm)
- Say that you’ll be waiting for his call!
1 I was watching television all day.
2 In the morning she finally wrote a letter to her mother.
3 Peter was walking along the Arbat when he suddenly saw Marina.
She was talking to a young artist.
4 Marina has already collected all the material for her thesis.