Unit 16: Health care 229
- Introduced in 2007 to boost the birth rate, this is a grant payable on the
birth of second and subsequent children to be used for their education or
апте�ка chemist’s (shop)
беспокоить, по- II� to worry
боле�знь (f) illness
борьба� против � struggle against
(+ gen)
вводи�ть II (impf) to introduce
во вся�ком in any case
зави�симость (f) dependence
кампа�ния по campaign to
поощре�нию encourage
матери�нский maternity grant*
многоде�тная large family
обору�дование equipment
повышать I � (impf) to increase
посо�бие benefit
прави�тельство government
приорите�т priority
разви�тие и developement
примене�ние and use
расти� I to grow
рожда�емость (f) birth rate
сме�ртность (f) death rate
тяжёлое difficult situation
уменьш║а�ться I, to decrease
-иться II
эффекти�вный effective
1 What problems has the Russian Health Service experienced
2 What improvements are taking place?
3 Is Russia still dependent on the import of medicines?
4 How is the government trying to encourage the birth rate in
5 What, in the professor’s opinion, is the most important problem?
There are two verbs with the infinitive боле�ть:
(a) бoлеть� 1st conjugation (я бoле�ю, ты болеeшь� etc.) means ‘to be ill’:
Я никогда� нe боле�ю
‘I am never ill’.
Он бoле�eт гри�ппом
‘Не is ill with flu’.
B де�тстве я боле�л скарлати�ной
‘I was ill with (had) scarlet fever as a child’.