236 Unit 16: y Здравоохранéние
(Audio 2.39)
- Say good morning doctor.
- Здра�вствуйте. Сади�тесь, пожа�луйстa! На что вы жа�луетесь?
- Describe symptoms consistent with tonsillitis – sore throat, head-
ache etc. Say that you have been feeling ill for three days. - Откро�йте рот. Да, го�рло y вас кра�сное. Ка�шля y вас нет?
- Say that you do not have a cough but you feel terrible.
- Ну, xopoшо�. Дава�йте изме�рим температу�ру. Температу�ра y вас
высо�кaя. Сейча�с y вас анги�на. У вас нет aллерги�и (allergy) к
пеницилли�нy? - Say no, you have had penicillin before without any problems.
- Хорошо�. Я вам вы�пишy пеницилли�н.
- Ask how many tablets you should take a day.
- Принима�йте пo две тaбле�тки три ра�за в день.
- Ask if you must stay in bed.
- Нет, в посте�ли мо�жно нe лежа�ть, нo 2 – З дня нa у�лицу лу�чше
нe выходи�ть - Ask when you will be able to go to work. Say that you have an
important meeting in two weeks. - Не беспоко�йтесь! Че�рез неде�лю вы бу�дете нa рабо�те!
- Say thank you and goodbye.
1 Peter had been feeling bad for three days. He thought that he had
caught a cold while fishing in the lake at Sasha’s. It rained hard that
day, and it was very cold. Of course they drank a lot of vodka after-
wards, since Sasha thought that vodka was the best medicine! But
in the morning, Peter felt awful. He had a dreadful headache, and
his throat hurt. His temperature was also high – almost 38°C – and
he could hardly talk. Fortunately, Sasha came and called the doctor.
When the doctor arrived, he examined Peter and said that he had flu.
2 The Russian health system is in a most difficult situation. Some hos-
pitals lack even the simplest equipment and medicines.