Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

296 Unit 20: Сиби�рь


(Audio 2.60)

  • Say that you have just come back from a conference on nature
    conservation and that you didn’t realise how serious the ecological
    situation in Russia is.

  • Да, экологи�ческaя ситуа�ция в на�шей стра�не о�чень серьёзна, в
    не�которых райо�нах про�сто катастрофи�чна. Уничто�жены лecа�,
    загрязнены� pе�ки. Есть места�, где жить невозмо�жно.

  • Say that you travelled on the Volga and saw yourself how polluted
    the Volga is. People even recommended you not to eat fish from
    the river.

  • Положе�ние нa Во�лге о�чень серьёзно. Ведь нa реке� постpо�ено
    так мно�го гидроэлектроста�нций. Все они� загрязня�ют pе�к y.

  • Ask whether they have an ecological movement in the country.

  • Да, y нас сейча�с о�чень акти�вное экологи�ческое движе�ние. Лю�дей
    серьёзно беспоко�ят после�дствия (consequences) разви�тия
    промышленности. Но измени� �ть системy о� �чень тру�дно. Для э�того
    ну�жно вpемя.�

  • Say that they still have time to improve the situation. Give Germany
    (Герма�ния) as an example where the river Rhine (Рейн) was very
    polluted, but now, there are fish in the river again.

  • Я бы о�чень хоте�л, что�бы э�то бы�ло так. Но к сожале�нию, в
    настоя�щее вpе�мя y меня� ма�ло оптими�зма.


  • After he got used to the Siberian climate, he decided to stay there
    for two years.

  • After she finished university, she became a teacher and went off to
    work in a village. When she saw the primitive conditions and expe-
    rienced all the hardship (тя�жесть (f)) of life there she moved back
    to the town.

  • The point is that at present people in Russia have too big a choice.
    There are too many newspapers and magazines in the country.

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