Nature 2020 01 30 Part.02

(Grace) #1

Extended Data Fig. 5 | AlphaFold CASP13 results. a, The TM score for each of
the five AlphaFold CASP13 submissions are shown. Simulated annealing with
fragment assembly entries are shown in blue. Gradient-descent entries are
shown in yellow. Gradient descent was only used for targets T0975 and later, so
to the left of the black line we also show the results for a single ‘back-fill’ run of
gradient descent for each earlier target using the deployed system. T0999
(1, 589 residues) was manually segmented based on HHpred^51 homology
matching. b, Average TM scores of the AlphaFold CASP13 submissions
(n = 104 domains), comparing the first model submitted, the best-of-five model

(submission with highest GDT_TS), a single run of full-chain gradient descent
(a CASP13 run for T0975 and later, back-fill for earlier targets) and a single
CASP13 run of fragment assembly with domain segmentation (using a gradient
descent submission for T0999). c, The formula-standardized (z) scores of the
assessors for GDT TS + QCS^52 , best-of-five for CASP FM (n = 31) and FM/TBM
(n = 12) domains comparing AlphaFold with the closest competitor (group 322),
coloured by domain category. AlphaFold performs better (P = 0.0032, one-
tailed paired statistic t-test).
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