Imperialism and Jewish Society, 200 B.C.E. to 640 C.E. - Seth Schwartz

(Martin Jones) #1


Acts of the Apostles, 92, 218, 222 brigands, 89–90
Aelia Capitolina, 203 burial, 42, 52, 148–50; in the diaspora, 154;
Agrippa II, 96, 225 judaization of, 154–58
Alexander the Great, 21, 23, 25–26, 27, 52
Alexander Yannai, 38, 41, 42, 70, 97 Caesarea, 46, 61, 113, 147, 204; synagogues
Alexandria, 28, 220, 221 in, 224
Alon, Gedalyahu, 5–7, 111–12 Cairo geniza, 7, 255, 258, 266, 276
amulets, 262–63 calendar, 71, 256, 257
angels, 66, 78, 79, 85.See alsodemons charity, rabbinic attitude toward, 227–30.See
aniconism, 172, 174.See alsoiconoclasm, ico- alsocommunity, Christians
nography Capernaum, 207, 210, 211, 223
Antiochus IV, 32, 40, 52, 54–55, 77, 218 Christianity, 73, 90–91; conversion to, 119,
Antipater, 42, 43 196; heresy in, 186, 192; origins in Galilee
apocalypticism, 75–87 of, 39; orthodoxy in, 183, 192, 194; the sa-
apostole, 115, 116–17, 118, 125–28, 193 cred in, 259
apostoloi, 116–17, 125–8 Christians, 48, 49, 62, 64, 86, 92, 110, 147;
aposynagogoi, 223 apocalypticism and, 76; ascetics among,
Arabia, Arabs.SeeNabataeans 195; charity among, 284; clergy among,
arbitration, 111, 120 118, 127, 192, 195, 196; contact with Jews,
archisynagogues, 119, 126, 127, 197 278; theological debates among, 97
Aristeas,Letter of, 60, 61, 219 churches, 143, 206, 207, 225; in Beth Shean
Asia Minor, 27; Jewish communities in, 54 Valley, Carmel region and Judaea, 208; dat-
astrology, 77.See alsozodiacs ing of, 209; inscriptions in, 283–84; in pri-
Augustus, 44, 46, 48 vate dwellings, 226; in Rome, 251.See also
aurum coronarium. Seeapostole Ravenna
Avi-Yonah, Michael, 133–36, 209, 210 circumcision, 20, 109–10, 188, 190; among
avodah zarah, 164, 165, 169 Arabs, 189; of slaves, 195
Babatha, archive of, 69, 112 city councils, 104, 111, 112, 118, 119, 140;
Babylonia, 21, 45, 82.See alsoMesopotamia decline of, 185; exemptions from, 195;
Baer, Yitzhak (Fritz), 7, 182 Jews in, 130, 136, 142, 190
Bardesanes, 188–89, 190 client kingdoms, 98, 105
Bar Kokhba Revolt, 61, 104, 105, 107, 110, Cohen, Shaye, 112–13
113, 130, 142 coins, 25, 36, 53, 104, 126, 210, 213; de-
baths, 136, 147, 153, 167, 169, 171, 173, 203, basement of, 185; Hasmonean and Hero-
204.See also miqva’ot dian, 138; images on, 133, 136–44, 173
Baumgarten, Albert, 91–96 community, 236; rabbinic attitude toward,
Ben Sira, Wisdom of, 10, 30, 64, 77, 81, 82, 227–30, 234; sanctity of, 232.See also
83, 84, 87 qahal
Bet Alfa, 209, 213, 252, 254, 256–57, 263, Community Rule.See Serekh Hayahad
279–80 Constantinople, 118, 126, 212
Beth Shean, 38, 113, 129, 132, 198, 204, 206, covenantal nomism, 66, 78, 259
213; monasteries in, 263
Beth Shearim, 104, 124, 133, 149–50, 153–8 Daniel, 75, 76, 78
Bickerman, Elias J., 32–33, 54 Dead Sea scrolls, 9, 30, 78, 96, 97, 218.See
Blenkinsopp, Joseph, 68 also Serekh Hayahad
Bourdieu, Pierre, 3–4 Dead Sea sect, 57, 62.See alsoEssenes, sects

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