Mothers and Children. Jewish Family Life in Medieval Europe - Elisheva Baumgarten

(Rick Simeone) #1

St. Felicitas, 178–79
St. Julita, 178
St. Margaret, 48
St. Symphorosa, 178
St. Thomas Aquinas, 26, 157
Stampa, 97
step-parents, 147, 171–72
Stow, Kenneth, 19
Strasbourg, 160
streya, 98, 216n.24. See alsowitchcraft
swaddling, 52
synagogue, 18–19, 35–36, 61–62, 70, 71, 76,
79, 100, 102, 104–5, 109, 113, 117, 160,
234n.33; women’s presence in, 77–78, 86–
Synod of Canterbury, 58

Taglia, Kathryn, 91
Tallan, Cheryl, 171
Ta-Shma, Israel, 14, 150–52
tax-lists, 44
teachers, 232n.8
tefillin, 88, 90–91, 186
tekhine, 104
Temple, 103–5, 106
Ten commandments, 155–58
testimony of women, 34, 54
thanksgiving, 104, 108, 110, 115
Third Lateran Council, 50, 226n.89
Thomas Aquinas. SeeSt. Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Cantimpratanus, 167
Thomas, Keith, 110
Tiber River, 172
Tilly, Louise, 14
time-bound commandments (miz.vot Gaseh
shehazman graman), 88–89
Torah, 99, 102, 109, 118, 163, 167
Tosafist, 127, 140, 157, 164, 195n.56
Trier, 37
Trotula, 32, 45
Turner, Victor, 111
Tuviah b. Eliezer (Midrah Lekah.Tov), 31
Tuviah of Vienne, 150
twins and multiple births, 42

Urbach, Ephraim E., 121, 177, 223n.27

Van Gennep, Arnold, 111
veil, 102, 110, 217n.48
Vienne, 150
vigils, 100
Vincent de Beauvais, 52

violence, 81–83
virginity, 83
Wachnacht, 92, 99–100, 110, 113, 115
Wagenseil, Johannes Christoph, 228n.109
Warner, Marina, 218n.63
Waschnitius, Viktor, 97
werewolves, 98. See also demons and streya
Westreich, Elimelekh, 33
wet nurses, 16, 20, 119, 121, 124–25, 128–
33, 135–36, 155, 169, 223n.26, 225n.77,
226n.84; Christian, 8, 49–50, 120, 124–25,
131–44; contracts and employment of, 125,
127–31, 137, 150; Jewish, 124–25, 129–
30, 133–35, 143–44, 151, 225n.76,
226n.86; Muslim, 126, 229n.127; and sex-
ual exploitation, 226n.87, 227n.106
widows, 45, 48, 123–24, 127, 129, 148–53,
170–72, 193n.40
widowers, 151
William of Bley, 226n.89
Wilson, Adrian, 111, 220n.87
wimpel (windel), 102, 109, 117–18, 221 nn.
106 and 112
wine, 77
Winheim, 204n.125
Wissenschaft des Judentums, 7, 13
witchcraft, 30, 46–48, 98, 201n.55
Wolf, Eric, 59, 80, 82
Wolfram von Eschenbach, 55
women, 2–4, 12, 14–15, 110, 185–86; as
candlemakers, 101, 217n.46; and conjugal
obligations, 122–23, 126; as halakhic au-
thorities, 160; and religious practices and
obligations, 28, 88–89, 98, 186–88
Worcester, 226n.89
Worms, 6, 37, 98, 101, 132, 166, 182,
Würzburg, 204n.125
Yeh.iel of Paris, 139–40, 227n.100
Yoh.ani bat Retavi, 47–48
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), 61, 159,
206n.148, 233n.28
Yuda Levy Kirkhum (Sefer Minhagot
Wormeisa), 102
Yuta (the midwife), 204n.125
z.addik, 165–66
Z.arlieb (the midwife), 204n.125, 88, 186, 233 n.31
Z.ipporah, 65
Z.ipporah of Worms, 182

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