Maimonides in His World. Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker

(Darren Dugan) #1

Abraham (Patriarch), 185– 86
Abraham ibn Daud, 36
Abu Yaqub Yusuf (Almohad ruler), 80
afterlife, 122. See also hereafter
Alexander of Aphrodisias, 14– 15
Alexandrian Academy, Farabi’s concentra-
tion on, 29
Alexandrian school, Christianization of,
al-Filaha al- nabatiyya, 100
Almohads, 8– 10, 53– 59; and astronomy,
80–82; and legal methodology, 61– 70;
and philosophy, 80– 82; and theology,
Almoravids, 8, 54
Amiri, Abu al-Hasan al-, 136– 37, 143
anachronism, 30
Andalusians, 36
anthropomorphism, 54, 70– 72
Arabic language, 19– 22
Aristotelian philosophy, 15, 44, 51, 97
Aristotelian physics, 80– 83
Aristotelian tradition, Arabic, 14– 15, 30,
Aristotle, 14– 15, 132, 149
astrology, 96, 114, 140, 146; distinguished
from astronomy, 141
astronomy, 80– 82, 113– 14, 125, 141
Averroes (Ibn Rushd), 14, 16, 19, 67– 70,
73–75, 80, 92n41, 116, 124, 154, 182;
Bidayat al- mujtahid, 68
Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 16, 18– 19, 145, 154,
160–64, 174, 182; Epistle Against
Astrology, 146– 47
Avot (tractate), 11
Ayyubids, 9, 17

Baghdad, 86, 168
Baghdadi, Abu al- Barakat al-, 18, 172
Baghdadi,Abd al- Latif al-, 20
Baron, Salo W., 33, 41n59
Basir, Yusuf al-, 35
Benjamin of Tudela, 168– 69
Berman, Lawrence, 103
Bible (Hebrew), and hereafter, 156

biblical references: Ezekiel 17:3, 1;
Jeremiah 2:25, 60; Psalms 94:8– 9, 51
Biruni, Abu Rayhan al-, 143
Bitriq, Yahya al-, 30, 30n24
Boethusians, 42
Book of Commandments (Maimonides),
Braudel, Fernand, 3– 4
Byzantium, Christian, 106

Cairo, 168
Cairo Geniza, 3, 100n80, 151n123
censorship, 183
Christianization, of Alexandrian philoso-
phy, 28
Christiankalam, 26– 38
Christians: and Aristotelianism, 15;
Byzantine, 122; Greek and Syriac, 29;
and intellectual history of Muslim Spain,
xiii–xiv; Oriental, 96; as protected
minority, 56; and transmission of
Hellenic culture to Arabs, 32; use
of Greek philosophy, 28
Chwolsohn, Daniel, 90, 91n33, 103
Code (Maimonides). See Mishneh Torah
Commentary on the Mishnah (Maimo-
nides), 11, 21, 38, 43, 45, 71– 72, 107,
150–51, 157, 166
comparisons, systematic, 101
convivencia, 5– 6
Cordoba, 8
cultural biography, xii
cultural infl uence, 32– 33

darshan, 122
David ben Judah Leon, 83
divinations, 113
divine accommodation, 105
divine economy, 92
Dunash ben Tamim, 36

Egypt: ascendance over Iraq as Jewish
center, 169; Ayyubid, 9; Fatimid,
Egyptians: as Sabians, 91


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