Maimonides in His World. Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker

(Darren Dugan) #1

Jewish philosophy, 26; and interpretation
of Islam, 107– 11
Jewish world, development and transfor-
mation of, 18– 22
Jews, as protected minority, 56
Judah the Prince, Rabbi, 65
Judaism: and Aristotelian thought, 36;
and biblical heritage, 26; development
of, 95; and emergence of Islam, 106;
and Talmudic heritage, 26
Judeo-Arabic language, 19– 22

Kalam, 26– 38, 47, 69, 176; Asharite, 54;
Asharriyya, 26; Mutazila, 26
Karaite heresy, 39– 43
Karaite Jews, 17, 32
Kindi, al-, 12
king, duties of, 78
knowledge, transfer of, 19
Kraemer, Joel, 66, 78

language, use of, 19– 22
Leo Africanus (alias Yuhanna al- Asad),
Letter on Astrology (Maimonides), 101
Letter to Ibn Tibbon (Maimonides),
14–15, 24, 49, 142
Letter to Obadia the Proselyte (Maimo-
nides), 109– 11
living, use of term, 180
logic, importance of, 126

Maghrebi-Andalusian intellectual
tradition, 95
Mahdi, Muhsin, 31n28
Maimonides: and Almohads, 59– 83; as
Andalusian, 6– 7; as architect of ideas,
11; as Aristotelian phi losopher, 14; and
Averroes, 73– 75; correspondence of, 10;
criticism of kalam, 32, 36– 38; decision
to feign conversion, 57n18; and
development of religion, 92; as disciple
of al- Farabi, 186; as educator, 113; and
forced conversion, 59; and hereafter,
153–65; as historian of religion, 106– 11;
and Islamic law, 65– 70; as Islamic
thinker, 1; as Jewish leader, 1, 10; as
Mediterranean thinker, 6– 12; and
Neoplatonic philosophy, 16– 17; as
phenomenologist of religion, 84– 125;
as phi losopher, 37; philosophic origins,

13–17; as physician, 9, 125; as po litical
philosopher, 183– 88; on pseudo- science,
138–52; as scientist, 125– 52; and
Talmud, 62– 65; theory of religion, 14;
use of Hebrew, 20– 21; use of Judaeo-
Arabic, 19– 20; and women, 117– 18
Maimonides, works: On Asthma, 131;
Book of Commandments, 21; Commen-
tary on the Mishnah, 11, 21, 38, 43, 45,
71–72, 107, 150– 51, 157, 166; Epistle
on Astrology, 45, 140– 41;Epistle on
Forced Conversion, 60; Epistle to
Yemen, 25, 27, 41, 120– 21;Guide of
the Perplexed, 20, 24, 37– 38, 45, 70, 73,
90–91, 99, 107– 10, 139, 142, 149, 161,
179, 184– 85;Letter on Astrology, 101;
Letter to Ibn Tibbon, 49, 142; Letter to
Obadia the Proselyte, 109– 11;Mishneh
Torah, 18, 20– 21, 62– 64, 108, 114, 166,
179;Treatise on Logic, 126– 28;Treatise
on Resurrection, 165– 83
Maimonides scholarship, infl ation of, 1– 2,
Maliki law, 9– 10, 55, 66
Mandeans, 87
Manicheans, 87, 143
Marrakushi, al-, 57
Marzuqi, 144
Masudi, al-, 86, 88– 89, 97
medical training, 129
medicine, 125– 38
Mediterraneanism, 3– 7, 23
Messiah, 78, 158
Messianic era, as parable, 77
milla, 91
Mishneh Torah (Maimonides), 18, 20– 21,
62–64, 108, 114, 166, 179
monotheism, 71
Moses, as Philosopher- Prophet-King, 186
Mumin,Abd al-, 53
Muqammas, Dawud al-, 34, 96, 98, 159
Murabitun.See Almoravids
Muslim, use of term, 7n25. See also under
Muslims, and Torah, 109
mutakallim, 31, 35, 37, 176
muwahhidun, 54. See also Almohads

Nabateans, 97, 100
Neoplatonism, 16– 17, 27, 88, 143
Numai, Muhammad al-, 105n102
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