274 • INDEx
Galilee, 33
Gamaliel, Rabban, 219
Gaspo, Shimon, 246n34
Gaza Strip, 16, 246
Gelvin, James, 22n26
gender equality, 245n33
Geonim, 66
Germany, 173, 183
Gershoni, Israel, 220
Gezer, 170
Glass, Cyril, 213n101
Goldziher, Ignaz, 47, 47n31
Gorni, Yosef, 197n52
Gospel of Barnabas, 163
Gottheil, Richard James Horatio: and
M. R. al-Khalidi, 11, 40–41, 42, 43,
46–47, 48, 51–52, 53, 62, 71, 76, 77,
86n162, 90, 91, 185; and Makaryus,
11; and Moyal, 185, 186, 190; and Nas-
sar, 90, 91, 106, 185, 190, 231; Zion-
ism, 48n33; “Zionism” (Jewish Encyclo-
pedia), 11, 40–41, 42, 43, 46–47, 48,
51–52, 53, 62, 71, 76, 77, 86n162, 90,
91, 106, 185, 186, 190, 231
Graetz, Heinrich, 216n119
Great Britain, 29, 143; conquest of Pales-
tine by, 179; and Egypt, 26; and grand
mufti of Palestine (muftī filasṭīn al-ak-
bar), 239; and al-Ḥizb al-waṭanī (Na-
tional Party), 220; Jews in, 183; and
Mandate for Palestine, 12n16, 16, 45,
66, 236, 237–45; and millet system,
238–39; and national home for Jews,
238, 241; and representation of
non-Muslims in Ottoman lands, 21; The
White Paper (May 17, 1939), 244
Greater Syria, 26
Great Revolt of 1936–1939, 240
Great War, 2, 6, 7, 8, 16, 32, 35, 123,
178, 240; and Jews, 132, 179–80, 183;
new political discourse after, 10; and
Paris Peace Conference, 242
Greece, 29, 242
Greek Catholics, 33
Greek Orthodox faith, 20, 21, 33
Greeks, ancient, 209
Greek-speakers, 36
Griffith, Sidney H., The Bible in Arabic,
Groyser Kundes, Der (The Big Stick), 181,
Haddad, Rashid, 232
hahambaşi, 19, 36
Haim, Sylvia, 154n75, 161n92
al-Hajj, Najib, Fī az-zawāyā khabāyā aw
kashf asrār al-yahūd, 222–23
Halevi, Judah, 53
Halevi, Solomon, 53
Hallaq, Wael, 63–64
Hama, 202
Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement),
246, 247
Hammurabi’s Code, 164
Ḥanafī madhhab, 32
Hanina, Rabbi, 206–7
Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü, 21, 23n30
al-Ḥaqīqa, 223
al-Ḥaram ash-Sharīf. See Temple Mount
al-Harizi, Judah ben Solomon, 200n56
Hasidic Jews, 1
haskamah/haskamot, 61, 66–68
Hayes, Carlton, 5n7
Hebrew, 55, 189, 191; Arabic as mark of
identity vs., 236; and Ben-Yehuda, 99,
100, 108; learning of, 188; and
N. Malul, 233
Hebrew press, 8–9, 11. See also ha-Aḥdut;
ha-Ḥerut; ha-Ẓevi (ha-Or; Hashkafah)
Hebron, 33, 97
Herodotus, 171
ha-Ḥerut, 96, 185; anti-Christian polemics
of, 117; and anti-Zionist Arabic press,
190; and Arabic press, 192; Arabs in,
102, 103, 126–30; and Ben-Gurion, 122;
Christian Arabs in, 106–7, 108; and
Christian religious intolerance, 119–20,
121; Christians in, 100; and Christians’
religious hatred for Jews, 114–20, 121;
“A Christian Stabs a Hebrew,” 103; and
creation of Arabic newspaper, 195; “The
Enemies of Judah,” 114; “The Great