Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

as literary theme, 196, 249, 267, 268, 333, 354
of Marguerite of Burgundy, 567
repression of, 764
Advent, 288, 557, 601
Adversos Judaeorum inveteratum duritiem (Peter the Venerable), 726
Adversus Jovinianum (St. Jerome), 294
advocatus, 9
Aelred of Rievaulx, 488, 654
Aeneid (Virgil), 49, 113, 839, 920, 962
Aesop of Thrace, 331, 545, 793
affranchissement, 9–10
Agde, 10
Agen, 10, 294
Agenais, 10–11
Agincourt, Battle of, 11, 137, 138, 153, 209, 223, 443, 466, 564, 608, 632, 671, 780, 973, 974
Agnus Dei, 283, 415, 600, 753
Agobard of Lyon, 28, 50, 354, 553
agriculture, 11–13, 233–34, 343, 359, 615, 751, 829
“aid and counsel,” 324, 343
aides, 13–14, 190, 282, 318, 389, 389, 705, 761, 826.
See also feudal aids
aides aux quatre cas, 342
Aigues-Mortes, 14–15, 567, 607, 635, 918
Aimoin de Fleury, 15, 411, 452
Aimon de Varennes, 15–16, 414
Aiol 16, 841
Aiquin ou la conquête de la Bretagne par le roi Charlemagne, 508
Airaines, 16
Airvault, 16
Aix, Council of, 862
Aix-en-Provence, 16–17, 364
Aix-la-Chapelle, 17, 109, 173, 229, 316, 451, 544, 734, 739, 742
Council of, 942
palace school at, 17, 316, 547, 734
Alain I (viscount of Rohan), 808
Alain II (viscount of Rohan), 148
Alain VIII (viscount of Rohan), 234, 808
Alain IX (viscount of Rohan), 808
Alain Fergent, 657, 796
Alain de Lille, 17–18, 59, 113, 457, 472, 484, 544, 545, 546
Alani (Alans), 18–19
Alard de Cambrai, 19, 767
alb (ecclesiastical vestment), 950
alba, 19, 384, 396, 678, 778, 930, 932, 987
Albéric (saint), 228, 386
Albéric de Pisançon, 25, 811
Albert the Great, 19–20, 53, 60, 63, 290, 302, 308, 458, 554, 579, 597, 768, 863, 864
Albi, 20–21, 22, 111, 182–83, 294, 518, 519, 520, 925
Albigenses. See Cathars
Albigensian Crusade, 21–22, 279, 474, 750
aftermath for heretics, 419
and Agenais, 10

Index 1874
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