Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Rayonnant, 226, 322, 400, 402, 404 , 406 , 704
Roman, 256, 257
Romanesque, 83, 86, 88, 136, 228, 232, 258, 270, 304, 317, 400, 813–16, 815
“Archpoet,” 527
“Archpriest,” 186.
See also Cervole, Arnaude de
Arena, knights of the, 665
Argentan, 62
Argenterie. See hôtel du roi
Argenteuil, 62, 440, 897
argentier du roi, 242, 459
Arian heresy, 447
Ariosto, 774, 809
Aristocratic Revolt, 62–63
Arabic translations of, 60, 546
Aristotelian scholasticism, 736
commentaries on, 63, 864, 881
and dialectic, 545
influence of, 24, 60, 63–64, 121, 133, 861, 864
on Albert the Great, 19
on Alexander Neckham, 25
on David of Dinant, 290
on Giles of Rome, 394
on Henry of Ghent, 444
on Jacques de Liège, 484
on Siger de Brabant, 881
on Thomas Aquinas, 54
on William of Auvergne, 976
on William of Auxerre, 976
Latin translations of, 60, 693, 908
logic texts, 545, 735, 840, 862
Nicholas of Autrecourt òn, 736
works prohibited at University of Paris, 63, 290, 805
theology of, 908
translators of:
Laurent de Premierfait, 757
Nicole Oresme, 684
William of Moerbecke, 546
works of:
Categories, 63, 861
De caelo et mundo, 684
Economics, 63, 757
Ethics, 63, 684, 940
Liber de causis, 63
Metaphysics, 940
On Interpretation, 63, 861
Organon, 681
Politics, 63, 684
Posterior Analytics, 864
Prior Analytics, 63
Rhetoric, 63

Index 1881
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