Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

feudal council, 324
feudal incidents, 343
feudal institutions, 206, 343
feudal tenure, 185, 340, 343
in Languedoc, 518
Marxist sense of, 343
and origins of provincial Estates, 324
restrictions on marriage, 343
feudum, 109.
See also fief
feudum de bursa. See fief-rente
Fiction du lyon (Eustache Deschamps), 294
fiddle, 648, 651, 652
fief, 219, 264, 340, 343, 344–45, 476, 641, 714, 946
fief holding, 345
fief-rente, 344, 345–46
Fierabras, 346, 508, 809
“fifth penny,” 343.
See also taxes
Fille de comte de Ponthieu, 346–47
fin’amor, 930
and chansons de femme, 987
in Chastelaine de Vergy, 212
and Chrétien de Troyes, 221
ethos of, in Tristan romances, 926
ideal of, and Jean de Meun, 489
inaugurated by Guilhem IX, 424
motifs of, in Flamenca, 347
parodic description in Voir dit (Guillaume de Machaut), 574
Peire Cardenal on, 715
reduced to animal lust in sotte chanson, 884
in troubadour poetry, 929.
See also courtly love
values of preserved through Consistòri de la Subregaya Companhia del Gai Saber, 542
in writings of Christine de Pizan, 223
Fin d’Elyas, 274
finance, evolution of, 279
fines, 270, 273.
See also fredus
firearms, 246, 274, 466
First Continuation, 410, 717.
See also Perceval Continuations
fiscal affairs, and curia regis, 280
fish, 295, 347, 360.
See also fishing
fishing, 347
Five Books of Histories (Raoul Glaber), 781
fixed-form lyrics, 574.
See also formes fixes
flagellants, 230, 620, 750.
See also popular devotion
flageolet (musical instrument), 648

Index 1926
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