Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Nesson, Pierre de, 662
neufbourgs, 958.
See also villeneuve
neumes, 415, 649
Neustria, 83, 172, 286, 662
neuvilles, 958.
See also villeneuve
Neuwiller-lès-Saverne, 662–63
Nevers, 663–64
new towns, 56, 348.
See also villeneuve;
Nicene Council, Second, 548
Nicholas (saint), 287, 288, 554
Nicholas II, 417, 672
Nicholas V, 251
Nicholas of Autrecourt, 736
Nicholas Bataille, 52
Nicholas of Clamanges, 664
Nicholas of Cusa, 61, 251, 303, 655, 735, 768
Nicholas Trevet, 920
Nicholas of Verona, 366, 508
Nicolas de Baye, 503
Nicolas de Brai, 566
Nicolas du Bosc, 592
Nicolas Grenon, 248, 478, 667
Nicolas of Lyra, 455, 555
Nicolas de Verdun, 406, 549, 664
Nicopolis, Battle of, 137, 263, 466, 664, 664–65
Nider, Johannes, 981
Niederhaslach, 665
nigromancers, 577, 661.
See also necromancy
nigromantia, 577.
See also magic, demonic
Nîmes, 364, 521, 665, 925
Nine Worthies, 25, 74, 397
Niort, 665–66
Nithard, 451, 666, 895
nobility, 324, 666–67
noël 667
Nogaret, Guillaume de, 135, 230, 667–68, 728
Noirlac, 668
nominalism, 394, 444, 681
Nominoë, 300
Norbert of Xanten (saint), 749, 755, 757.
See also Prémontré
Norman Conquest, 670
Norman dialect, 431
Norman invasion of England, 660
Normandy, 282, 441, 442, 668–72, 669, 671, 784–85, 802, 823, 976
Normans in Sicily, 672–73

Index 1981
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