Theuderic, 612
Theuderic II, 152
Theuderic III, 614
Thibaut, 908–9
Thibaut I le Vieux of Blois, 908
Thibaut II le Tricheur of Blois, 908
Thibaut III of Blois (I of Champagne), 131, 190, 192,441,909
Thibaut IV le Grand of Blois (II of Champagne), 119, 132, 190, 192, 193, 267, 275, 495, 781, 909,
931, 933, 937
Thibaut V le Bon of Blois, 132, 192, 193, 385, 830, 870, 909, 957
Thibaut VI of Blois, 132
Thibaut de Marly, 877, 946
Thibaut de Montmorency (constable of France), 634
Thibaut de Navarre, 739
Thierry d’Alsace, 348, 381, 468, 620, 909–10
Thierry of Chartres, 111, 211, 229, 500, 544, 545, 546, 547, 594, 862, 910
Third Continuation, 718
‘Third Order.” 301.
See also Tertiaries
Thirty, Combat of the, 910
Tholosan, Claude, 981
Thomas d’Angleterre, 31, 36, 114, 268, 355, 764, 812, 910–11, 927
Thomas Becket (saint), 24, 37, 70, 101, 422, 445, 476, 500, 528, 557, 723, 748, 854, 855, 894, 951
Thomas de Cantimpré, 30, 59, 222, 436, 569, 591, 985
Thomas of Chobham, 435
Thomas Gallus, 911
Thomas of Kent, 36–37
Thomas de Marle, 263
Thomas of Saint-Victor, 383
Thoronet, Le, 226, 357, 816, 911–12
three estates, 326
three-field rotation, 12
Thuringians, under Clovis I, 369
Timaeus (Plato), 459, 546, 576, 735, 743, 910
timber architecture, 814
timber roofs and ceilings, 82, 105, 136, 257, 258, 357, 421, 504, 636, 789, 814, 855, 916–17, 955
timekeeping. See clocks
Tinchebrai, Battle of, 802, 970
Tinctoris, Johannes, 158, 248, 284, 645, 680, 912, 981
titles, 592–93
Tobie (Guillaume de Clerc), 128
toise (linear measure), 974
tolls, 244, 270, 282
tonal system, 646
Tonale sancti Bernardi, 643
tonary, 48, 643
Tongres, 912
Tonnerre, 912–13
Topics (Aristotle), 63, 861
torture, 273, 981
Tosafot (Talmudic commentary), 125
Toul, 913
Index 2018