EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1

100 / 101

for more information


EUSA Institute is a non-profit, non-governmental entity, based in

Ljubljana, created by EUSA for the purposes of developing university

sports, organising sports events, carrying out sports activities and

projects, and providing education in sports at the university level.

The main aim of the EUSA
Institute is to support the
development of university
sport in Slovenia and Europe,
while carrying out professional,
technical, and organisational
tasks, with the purpose of
providing education in sports at
the university level, partnering
with the European University
Sports Association (EUSA) and
other organisations.

The organisation was
established for the purposes of

developing university sports,
through organising sports
events and sports activities,
as well as projects, with the
aim of providing education in
sports and various other topics
related to it. To that end, the
Institute also holds various
seminars, workshops and
other educational events and
activities in relation to sports
and education for which its
members are appropriately
trained. In pursuit of its purpose,
the Institute collaborates with

individuals, interest groups,
civil society, non-governmental
organisations, and legal
entities at local, national, and
international levels.

EUSA is proud to be running
several projects and initiatives
through the EUSA Institute,
many of which are funded by
the Erasmus+ programme of
the European Union, as well as
other sources, covering different
fields and values related to

We always look forward to
developing and strengthening
the cooperation with key
stakeholders in the further
development of university sport
in Europe, through the activities
of EUSA and its Institute.
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