EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1


The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

announced the selection results of the Erasmus+ Sport – Call for proposals;

the Cooperation Partnerships, Small-Scale Partnerships, Capacity

Building and Not-For-Profit European Sport Events in two parts.

Following the completion of the
results, we are proud and happy
to announce that two projects
with the EUSA Institute as the
coordinator have been selected
for funding from the European

This year, sport was also
featured in the mobility strand
of the Erasmus+ programme
(under KA1) as the mobility
of staff in the field of sport.
These actions are decentralised
and managed by the national
agencies. Other sport-related
actions are centralised (under
KA2), managed by EACEA.

With centralised actions, the
European University Sports

Association (EUSA) with its
EUSA Institute in Ljubljana,
Slovenia, was granted funding
for the cooperation partnership
project “Discovering university
sport and supporting dual
career (DiscoverU)” to enhance
sport and physical activity
opportunities for students in
higher education and increase
their participation in these
activities. One small partnership
was also granted for the “Youth
Individual Sports Mindset
(YouMind)”project, focusing on
mental health of young athletes.
The projects are co-funded by
the European Union.

EUSA Institute will also
partner in the projects “More

than Games”, planning and
implementation of the Volunteer
Program and Educational Side-
Event Program of the European
Universities Games Debrecen-
Miskolc 2024 (EUG2024); and
“European Week of Winter
Sport EWWS)”, encouraging
participation in sport and
physical activity also in winter,
while raising awareness about
climate change and promoting
sustainability. Also, these
projects are co-funded by the
European Union.

We also remain an active
partner in several ongoing
projects, supported by
Erasmus+ programme of the
European Union.

We are proud to be able to
continue our active contribution
to the development of university
sport and sport in general on
the European level, also with
the support of the European
Union through the Erasmus+

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