EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1




The European University Sports Association (EUSA) has been

hosting international volunteers and interns in EUSA office based

in Ljubljana, Slovenia, for many years now, and in 2023, the EUSA

Office continued to gradually expand the working capacities.

Besides hosting the European
Solidarity Corps volunteers, who
work closely with all of EUSA’s
working departments, including
Sports, Media, and Education,
this year EUSA welcomed two
additional volunteers from the
Italian Universal Civil Service

Simone de Luca and Giacomo
Mori joined EUSA Office in
the beginning of November,
supported by OPES Italia,
through the program funded
within the International
Civil Service. The Universal
Civil Service is a voluntary
choice, aimed at fostering the
promotion of core Italian and
European values, by working in
the non-profit sector through
actions in support of local
communities and territories in
the same spirit of international
cooperation. OPES is an
organisation for education and
promotion of sports, working in
the field of grassroots sport for
the purpose of social and human

With a few months of being part
of the team of the EUSA Office
in Ljubljana, doing different
kind of activities, reaching
a development of an intern
experience of working in an
international office, Giacomo
and Simone showcased valuable
skills and knowledge to the
office work, as well.

For the purpose of this
magazine, they have shared
their satisfaction and
expectations so far:

Simone De Luca, Italy
My name is Simone, I am 26
years old, and I come from
Pesaro, from the Marche
region of Italy. Throughout my
life I have tried to alternate
between sport and academic
life. In April 2023, I graduated in
International Relations from the
University of Perugia, where I
had the opportunity to increase
my propensity for the world of
international cooperation and
volunteering in general.

I left Italy with hopes of
improving my way of life and
my knowledge of international
cooperation in the field of
sport. By sharing the goals
and principles of EUSA, I am
currently convinced that my
academic path will develop, and I
am sure that this period will give
me a lot of satisfaction, both on
a human and professional level.
I look forward to using my time
here with EUSA to promote sport
and its fundamental values.

Giacomo Mori, Italy
My name is Giacomo, I am 29
years old, and I come from
the Tuscany region of Italy. I
have an academic background
in international relations and
European studies, with previous
study and work experiences in
France and Switzerland. Sport
has been a fundamental part
of my educational background,
and sporting activities have
mediated my very first steps
in life since I was only a child. I
believe that sport has had a huge
influence on my personality and
contributed greatly to shaping

the person I am today, providing
me with the basics to face life.

Given my educational
background on European
policies, my main interest is
to fully understand how sport
can contribute to achieving a
better integration of European
citizens. In this sense, my major
expectations regarding my period
of work at EUSA are to learn
how the promotion of university
sport among young students
in Europe can contribute to the
strengthening of fundamental
European values, such as human
dignity, freedom of choice and
equality of opportunity.

Both, Giacomo and Simone,
hope to make the most of
this experience with EUSA in
Ljubljana and are proud to be
representing Italy in Slovenia
through this cooperation
project. A special thanks from
them and EUSA goes to the
sending organization, OPES
Italy, for providing partnerships
and valuable volunteering
opportunities like this one.
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