EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1

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the preparation of the delegation
but also in the communication
and all needs that might appear.

We have a team that
consolidates our work daily:
communication, education, and
sporting events. The team that
keeps the agenda active as it is

We would like to share how
2023 came through:

In May, our sports calendar
began with the III FISU AMERICA
CHESS, it taking place from May
4 th to 11th, online. In the third
edition, 8 countries participated:
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa
Rica, El Salvador, Mexico,
the Dominican Republic, and
Venezuela. 168 participants
took part in the event: 74 men,
74 women and 21 teams. It
is important for us that we
can still organize this kind of
championships because it gives
the NUSF’s with a lower budget
the opportunity to participate.

Then, we had our FISU
AMERICA 3X3, which was held
in Chihuahua, Lima, with more
than 100 student-athletes
from all over the continent.
The podium was finalized as
follows: Women, 1st the Instituto
Tecnológico de Monterrey
(Campus Monterrey) – Mexico;

2 nd Instituto Tecnológico de
Monterrey (Campus Toluca)
also Mexico and 3rd Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, from
Colombia. In men, it was as
1 st Universidad Autónoma de
Ciudad Juárez, from Mexico; 2nd
Pontificia Universidad Católica
from Chile; 3rd Universidad
Nilton Lins from Brasil.

Esports are growing
permanently, and since FISU
America has found a way
to unite virtually the entire
continent, 2023 was a record
year in registrations after the
incorporation of the Clash
Royale competition, a new
virtual modality in which
student-athletes from all over
the continent participated,
where men and women
competed jointly. Furthermore,
just like in previous years, the
FIFA tournament was part of our
IDUS celebration.

We also have the FISU –
DIALOGUE in Joinville, Brazil,
which, of course, was an
opportunity to work towards
future initiatives in the field of
university sports.

In November, Lima held the
a high level of performance
and a beautiful atmosphere for

Peruvians and online spectators
to enjoy good games and sports!

2024 is also giving us a lot of
good reason to be happy: we will
celebrate our 3rd FISU AMERICA
GAMES in Cali, Colombia, next
November, along with the FISU
AMERICA CHESS, 3X3, sports,
will happen according to the
calendar all through the year.

On the other side, we are
sure we will receive a lot
of participants from EUSA
because we will have three
world championships on our
continent: Cycling in Costa Rica,
Finswimming in Colombia also
the first edition of the World

University Beach Games will be
held at home, in Brazil.

We look forward to seeing you
all at the next events!

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