EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1

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The second round table on
legacy and sustainability of
sport events included Francis
M. M. Cirianni, Director of the
Winter World University Games
Torino 2025, Joerg Foerster
representing the Summer World
University Games Rhine-Ruhr
2025, Mara Nemela, the Director
of the Dolomites UNESCO World
Heritage and Mr Daniel Horvath
from the European Volleyball
Confederation. The panel was
moderated by Andreas Csonka,
an EUSA Executive Committee

The discussion mainly revolved
around the idea that sustainable
practices, also for major
sporting events, need to focus
on supporting the health and
vitality of the environment,
people, the community and the

During the discussion, speakers
shared a few key points on
organising sustainable sport
events, underlining that it is
necessary to build a sustainable
legacy for future generations,
involve local communities into
the organisation process of

sport events, engage students
and give them the opportunity
to shape the future of the
events, as well as educate and
inform people on the topic of
sustainability. Organising and
adapting the sport events,
as well as sharing different
examples of tools and triggering
the organisational committees
with sustainable plans and
strategies, was also one of the
main recommendations given by
the panellists.

The conclusions of the EUSA
Winter Forum were made
by Milan Zvan, with the
summary of the presentations
and discussions. He pointed
out that during the forum,
participants had the chance to
hear about different ways to
impact sustainability through
balancing environmental, social,
and economic tools, as well as
involving local communities and
using educational best practices
to teach people and make
impactful events.
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