EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1




Since the virtual boom, webinar programs have grown by leaps and bounds, as

the explosion of virtual events has created a need for technological advancement,

increased levels of interactivity, and heightened productivity value.

Webinars became part of EUSA’s
program too, with the purpose of
gathering people in another way
than in person and as an easier
way to provide an opportunity
for attendees to learn from
experts in a convenient and
cost-effective way.

Another very important objective
of a webinar is to provide an
audience with remote access to
an in-depth presentation focused
on a specific topic or subject,
showcasing expertise and

EUSA has an extensive
experience in organizing
webinars, covering different

important topics for the
general audience. In 2023,
EUSA organised 3 important
webinars on different topics,
getting together professors,
sportspeople, members of the
organisations, members of
the National University Sports
Associations, and many others.

Women in leadership
as role models

The first webinar took place
on March 1st getting together
more than 100 people and three
remarkable guest speakers to
share their experiences and
stories of Women leaders.

This webinar showcased how
women can act as role models
and encourage women and
young girls to take part in sports,
both as a leisure activity and as
a potential professional career.

Several things were showcasted
during these webinars. Professor
Dame Sarah Springman,
Principal at St Hilda’s College,
University of Oxford, pointed
out that you can elevate the
performance of women, if you
give them a safe space and
equal opportunities to show their
potential and great work.

Andreja Leskovšek McQuarrie,
President of Women’s

Football Club Radomlje and
multi-sports event organizer,
explained the importance of
taking steps, regardless of how
uncomfortable they might be, is
of key importance when taking
leadership positions and building
a career in the sport industry.

Finally, Ágnes Ančić-Valkai,
Director of International
Relations at the Hungarian
University Sports Federation
(MEFS) and former professional
athlete, discussed the
challenges that women athletes
face after they end their
sporting careers, as well as how
that can reflect on empowering
them to become leaders and
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