Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Aaliz de Louvain, 531
Abélard, Peter, 1–2, 46
as abbot, 1
Anselm of Laon, 1
Bernard of Clairvaux, 70, 71, 673
burial, 2
charged with heresy, 1
condemned, 1
Héloïse, 310
Historia calamitatum, 1
Peter the Venerable, 517
Scito te ipsum, 2
Sic et non, 1–2
On the Trinity and Unity of God, 1
William of Champeaux, 1
William of Saint-Thierry, 673
Abbo of Fleury, 98–99
Abu ̄ Yu ̄suf, 592
Abraham bar H.iyya, 2–3
Epistle to Rabbi Judah ben Barzillai, 3
Hegyon ha-nefesh ha-’as.ubah (The Meditation of the Sad
Soul), 3
H.eshbon mahalekhot ha-kokhabim (The Calculation of
Astral Motions), 3
H.ibbur ha-meshih.ah ve-ha-tishboret (On Measuring), 2
Megillat ha-megalleh (Scroll of the Revealer), 3
Sod ha-’ibbur (The Secret of Intercalation), 3
S.urat ha-ares. ve-tabnit ha-shamavim (The Form of the
Earth and the Figure of the Heavens), 3
Yesode ha-tebunah u-migdal ha-emunah (The Foundations
of Reason and the Tower of Faith), 2–3
Abraham Ibn Dau ̄ d. See Ibn Dau ̄ d, Abraham
Abravanel, Isaac, 3–4
banker, 3
Maimonides, 3
opposition to Aristotelian and Muslim philosophy, 3
political attitudes, 3
tax collector, 3
writings, 3

Absalon, 593, 594, 614
Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abdallah ibn Sina. See Avicenna
Abu ̄ Bakr Muhammad ibn ‘Isa ̄ ibn ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Quzma ̄n
al-Asghar al-Zajja ̄ l. See Ibn Quzma ̄n
Abu ̄ ‘L-H.asan ‘Alı ̄ b. Mu ̄sa ̄ b. Muh.ammad b. ‘Abd al-Malik b.
Sa’ı ̄d. See Ibn Sa’ı ̄d
Abu ̄ Muhammad ‘Alı ̄ ibn H.azm. See Ibn H.azm
Abu ̄ Yafar, poet, 293–294
Abu ̄ Ya’qu ̄b Yu ̄ suf, 52
Abu ̄ Yu ̄suf, Marı ̄nid emir of Morocco
Alfonso X, El Sabio, King of Castile and León, 26
Castile, 26
Accursius, 220, 221
Acerba (Cecco d’Ascoli), 117
Ackermann aus Böhmen (Bohemian Plowman) (Johannes von
Tepl), 377–378
Adalbert, Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen, 5, 37
Adam de la Halle, 4–5, 98, 581
Congé (farewell poem), 4–5
Jeu de la feuillée, 4–5
Jeu de Robin et Marion, 4
Adam le Bossu. See Adam de la Halle
Adam of Bremen, 5
Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae Pontifi cum (History of the
Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen), 5
historian, 5
Adelperga, 504
Admiración operum Dey (Teresa de Cartagena), 106–107
Adoptionism, 19
Beatus of Liébana, 58
Aegidius Colonna. See Giles of Rome
Ælberht, 18
Ælfric, 6–8
abbot at Eynsham Monastery, 8
Benedictine Reform, 6, 7
Catholic Homilies, 7
English writer and scholar, 6–8
evangelical doctrine, 7
Latin instructional texts, 8
Lives of Saints, 7–8

Page numbers in italic indicate fi gure.

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