Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

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Ælfric (continued)
scientifi c writings, 8
Sermon on the Sacrifi ce on Easter Day, 7
translations, 6, 7
Wulfstan of York, 682
Aeneid (Virgil), 160, 164, 165, 432
Æthelbald, 26
Augustine of Canterbury, 51–52
law, 51–52
Æthelred, King, 27, 681–682
Æthelwold of Winchester, 6, 8, 9
attention to continental models, 9
Benedictines, Benedictine revival, 6
expelled secular clergy, 9
founded or refounded monasteries, 9
monastery of Abingdon, 9
monastic school, 9
religious reformer, 6
royal favor, 9
Winchester cathedral, 9
Æthelwulf, 26
Aetheria. See Egeria
Afonso III, King of Portugal, 9–11, 25
Beatriz of Castile, 10
Blanche of Castile, 9
disputes with Rome, 10–11
expelling Muslims, 10
political accomplishments, 10–11
strengthening royal prerogatives, 10–11
Afonso IV, King of Portugal, 174
Afonso V, 3
Africa (Francesco Petrarca), 520, 522
Agiographia (Uguccione da Pisa), 636
Aistulf, 608
Alain de Lille, 11–12, 71
Anticlaudianus, 12
Cistercian order, 11–12
De planctu Naturae, 12
literary works, 11–12
Parabolae, 11–12
wrote against Cathars, 11
Albert of Hapsburg, Holy Roman Emperor, 91
Albertanus of Brescia, 12–13
Chaucer’s use, 13
legal treatises and addresses, 12–13
precursor of Renaissance book collector, 13
social theorist, 13
Albertino Mussato, 14–15
birthday elegy, 14
Ecerinis (The Tragedy of Ecerinus), 14–15
poetry, 14–15
statesman, 14
Thyestes, 15
Albertist Aristotelianism, 15, 16
Albertus Magnus, 15, 15–16, 75
Arabic and Greek Aristotelianism, 15–16
De causis et processu universitatis (The Causes and
Development of the Universe), 16
Dominicans, 15

Duns Scotus, John, 185
scientist, 15–16
students of, 15
Summa de creaturis (Book of the Creatures), 15–16
teacher of Thomas Aquinas, 15
Albigensian Crusade, 287–288, 421
Blanche of Castile, 79
Peire Cardenal, 510
Philip II Augustus, King of France, 526
Albigensian heresy, 177, 287
Albinus. See Alcuin
Albornoz, Gil Alvarez Carrillo de, 17–18
Alfonso XI, King of Castile, 17
education of clergy, 17–18
new legal code, 17
papal court at Avignon, 17
political life of Castile, 17
Spanish College at University of Bologna, 17–18
Albrecht III, Duke of Austria, 607, 663
Albrecht of Mecklenburg, 447
Alcuin, 18–19, 551
Carolingian renaissance, 18–19
Charlemagne, 18–19, 121
De virginitate, 21
infl uence of writings, 21
liturgy, 19
Aldhelm, 20–21
Anglo-Latin letters, 20–21
ecclesiastical affairs, 20
education, 20
Alexander III, Pope, 552–553
Frederick I Barbarossa, 229, 230
Alexander of Hales, 21–22
theologian, 21–22
Alexander the Great, 659–660
Alexander (Ulrich von Etzenbach), 638–639
Alexanders Geesten (Deeds of Alexander) (Jacob van
Maerlant), 353
Alexandreis (Walter of Châtillon), 659
Alexandrine meter, 658
Alfonso de la Cerda, 592
Alfonso García de Santa Maria. See Cartagena, Alfonso de
Alfonso V, King of Aragón, the Magnanimous, 22–23
infl uence on trade, 23
Italian campaigns, 22–23
Renaissance culture, 23
unrest in Aragón, 22–23
Alfonso V, King of Portugal, 628
Alfonso VI, King of León-Castile, 23–25, 172
battle of Zallaqah, 24
Burgundian alliance, 25
French cultural infl uence, 24–25
Murabit, 24, 25
Muslim ta ̄ ’ifa of Toledo and Zaragoza, 24
partition of Navarre, 24
Santiago de Compostela, 24–25
struggle for succession, 24
Alfonso VII, Gelmírez, Diego, Archbishop of Compostela,
Alfonso X, El Sabio, King of Castile and León, 10, 25–26
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