Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Antapodosis (Liudprand of Cremona), 408
Antequera, 22–23
Anthony of Padua, Saint, 40, 40–41
doctor of the church, 41
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 40–41
Franciscan, 40–41
Christological and Mariological doctrines, 41
introduced theology of Saint Augustine, 41
patron of charity and marriage, 41
scriptural exegesis, 41
sermons, 41
Antichrist, 633, 635
Anticlaudianus (Alain de Lille), 12
Antioch, independent Norman rule, 87
Antipope, Henry IV, King of Germany, 504
Antonio Pucci, 42
courtly love, 42
Dante Alighieri, 42
Florentine poet, 42
Giotto di Bondone, 42
Antwerp (Orsini) Polyptych (Simone Martini), 456
Antwerp School, 364
Apatheia, 107
Apocalypse commentary, Beatus of Liébana, 58
Apologia pauperum (Saint Bonaventure), 89
Apostolic Brotherhood
Dolcino, Fra, 176
Inquisition, 176
Aquinas, Thomas, 15, 16, 43–44, 655
Aristotle, 43–44
Dominican order, 43–44
Duns Scotus, John, 185
early life, 43
Giles of Rome, 254, 255
philosopher, 43–44
Ptolemy of Lucca, 546, 547
scholastic method, 44
Siger of Brabant, 602
Summa theologica, 43
theologian, 43–44
Arba’ah t.uriym (Asher B. Yeh.iel), 50
Arboleda de los enfermos (Teresa de Cartagena), 106–107
Arbre de ciècia (Tree of Science) (Ramón Llull), 412
Archpoet, Reinald of Dassel, 44
Arezzo Polyptych (Pietro Lorenzetti), 416, 417
Arian Visigoths, 144
Arianism, 406
Aristippus, Henry, 45
political activities, 45
Sicilian court fi gure, 45
translated Greek writings, 45
William I of Sicily, 45
Aristotle, 22, 52, 54, 90, 254, 469, 536, 547, 601, 671
Aquinas, 43–44
Aristotelian scholasticism, 15, 16
commentaries by Averroès, 52
Siger of Brabant, 601–602
translated by Aristippus, 45
Arnold of Brescia, 46–47, 293
Arnoldist sect, 47

Church reformer, 46–47
condemned as schismatic, 46
ecclesiastical reform, 46–47
Eugenius III, Pope, 46–47
exiled, 46
Frederick I Barbarossa, 47
Hadrian IV, Pope, 47
Italian communalism, 46–47
Roman republic, 47
Arnolfi ni, Giovanni, 644–645
Arnolfi ni Wedding Portrait (Jan van Eyck), 644–645
Arnolfo di Cambio, 47–48, 541
cathedral of Florence, 48
Charles of Anjou, King, 47–48
curial patrons, 48
Italian architect, 47
Italian sculptor, 47
Opera de Duomo, 48
ornamentation, 47, 48
sepulchral works, 48
Arnórr Þórðarson jarlaskáld, 48–49
Haraldsdrápa, 49
Hrynhenda, 49
Icelandic poet, 48–49
Magnússdrápa, 49
Porfi nnsdrápa, 49
Ars amatoris (Ovid), 35
Ars dictaminis, 96
Ars notaria, 96
Art de dictier et de fere chançons (Eustache Deschamps),
Arthurian romance, 135, 300, 306, 674, 677–678
Asceticism, 109, 158, 159
Asher B. Yeh.iel, 49–51
chief rabbinical authority in Germany, 50
halakhic procedure, 50–51
Ibn Adret, 51
illustrious students, 51
Jewish law, 50–51
joined Jewish refugees from Germany in Spain, 50
Pisqey ha-Rosh, 50, 51
responsa on daily life, 50
Tosafot ha-Rosh, 50, 51
yeshivah in Toledo, 50, 51
Asia, concepts of, 660
Augustine of Canterbury, 51–52
Æthelberht, 51–52
Gregory I, Pope, 51–52
missionary, 51–52, 272
Augustinian rule, Dominican order, 177, 178
infl uence on Petrarch, 519
University of Paris, 185
Wiener Schule (Viennese School), 607
Aureum repertorium (William Durandus), 668
Autobiography, Guibert de Nogent, 278
Autohagiography, 189
Ava. See Frau Ava
Avanzi, Jacopo di Pietro, 31
Avenzoar. See Ibn Zuhr, Abu ̄ Marwa ̄ n ‘Abd al-Ma ̄ lik
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