Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Abu ̄ Yu ̄suf, Marı ̄nid emir of Morocco, 26
African crusade, 25
claims to Holy Roman Empire, 25, 26
Fuero Real, 26
heirs, 26
Ibn al-Ah.mar, King of Granada, 25–26
innovations in law and taxation, 26
Jaime I of Aragón, 25–26
Muslims, 26
Siete Partidas, 26
Alfonso XI, King of Castile
Albornoz, Gil Alvarez Carrillo de, 17
bastard children, 507
Alfred the Great, 6, 26–30
Boethius, 28–29
Consolation of Philosophy, 28–29, 30
Danish attacks, 26
encouragement of literacy, 27, 28
father of English prose, 28
infl uence on learning, 28–30
law code, 27
Pastoral Care, 28, 29, 30
political success, 27–28
production of vernacular books, 28
Soliloquies, 28–29, 30
system of burhs, 27
Allegoriae super tabernaculum Moysis (Peter of Poitiers), 515
Allegory and Effects of Good and Bad Government (Ambrogio
Lorenzetti), 418
Almagest (Ptolemy), 45
Al-Mancu ̄r, 52
Almohad empire, Muslim Spain, 215
Al-Mughrib fi H.ula ̄ ‘l-Maghrib (Ibn Sa’ı ̄d), 344
Al-Muqaddimah (Ibn Khaldu ̄n), 342–343
Alpetragius, 53
Alphonsus Burgensis. See Cartagena, Alfonso de
Altichiero da Zevio
chapel of San Giacomo, 31
Italian painter, 31–32
Room of Famous Men in Carrara Palace at Padua, 31–32
votive fresco in Cavalli Chapel, 32
votive fresco of Coronation of Virgin, 32
Alvaro de Luna, 23–24
López de Mendoza, Iñigo, 415
Alvarus, Paulus, 33
Córdoban author, 33
Córdoban Martyrs’ Movement, 33
Confessio, 33
Eulogius of Córdoba, 33
Indiculus luminosus, 33
letters, 33
Vita Eulogii, 33
Amadeo VI, Count of Savoy, 33–35
Chiogga war, 34
crusading, 34
John V Palaiologos (Palaeologus), 34
military victories, 34–36
northern Italian politics, 35–36
Peace of Turin, 34
regency, 33

Urban V, Pope, 34
Amalasuntha, 620
Amor (love of God) concept, 58
Amorosa visione (Giovanni Boccaccio), 81
Ancient Rhetoric (Buoncompagno da Signa), 96
Andrea di Nerio, 606
Andrea di Ugolino di Nino da Pontedera. See Pisano, Andrea
Andreas Capellanus (André le Chapelain), 35
De amore (or De arte honeste amandi), 35
French author, 35
infl uence of Ovid, 35
Andrew of Saint-Victor, 35–36
Biblical exegete, 35–36
Hebrew Bible, 35–36
literal sense of Scripture, 35
Andriolo de Santi, 31
Angela da Foligno, Saint, 36, 355
Franciscan order, 36
Liber de vera fi delium experientia (Book of the True
Experience of the Faithful), 36
Liber sororis Lelle de Fulgineo (Book of Sister Leila
[Angela] of Foligno), 36
visions, 36
Angelo Clareno, 36–37
Angevin dynasty, 67, 572–573
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 199
Anglo-Latin text, 66
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 26, 27, 28
Wulfstan of York, 681
Angoulême, Charles II the Bad, King of Navarre, 123
Anno II, Archbishop of Cologne, 37, 319
Cologne rebellion, 37
monastic reform, 37
political acumen, 37
regent for Henry IV, 37
Annunciation (Rogier van der Weyden), 644
Anselm of Bec, 2
Cur Deus homo, 38
De concordia, 38
De processione Spiritus Sanctus, 38
English theologian, 38
Henry I, King of England
disputes over homage and investiture, 38
exile by, 38
Orationes sive meditationes, 38
Proslogion, 38
William II Rufus, King of England
clashed over church property, 38
exiled by King, 38
right of investiture, 38
Anselm of Laon, 39, 254
Biblical commentator, 39
French teacher, 39
Glossa ordinaria, 39
theological opinions, 39
Ansgar, Saint, 39–40
Benedictines, 39
founded fi rst church in Scandanavia, 39
missionary in Denmark and Germany, 39–40
Scandinavia, 39–40
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