Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Bernard Gui (continued)
historian, 69
Inquisition, 69
Bernard of Chartres, 69–70
philosopher, 69–70
theologian, 69–70
Bernard of Clairvaux, 1, 46, 70–71, 254
Abélard, Peter, 70, 71, 673
author, 70
Cistercian, 70–71
crusades, 70
founded monastery of Clairvaux, 70–71
Gilbert of Poitiers, 70
Peter the Venerable, 516, 517
Sermones super Cantica canticorum, 70
William of Saint-Thierry, 673
Bernard Silvestris, 71
author, 71
Cosmographia, 71
Bernardus Guidonis. See Bernard Gui
Bernart de Ventadorn, 72
troubadour, 72
Bernhardian tradition, 598
Berno von Reichenau, 72–73
author, 72–73
composer, 72–73
Bernward of Hildesheim, 73
Henry II’s diplomatic representative, 73
Ottonian court, 73
patronage of arts, 73
Béroul, 73–74
author, 73–74
Tristan, 73
verse romance, 73
Bersuire, Pierre, 74–75
Benedictine, 74
encyclopedist, 74–75
moralist, 74–75
Reductorium morale, 75
Repertorium morale, 75
translator, 74–75
Berthold V, Duke of Zähringen, 151
Berthold von Regensburg, 75–76
Franciscan, 75–76
Minorite order, 75
preacher, 75–76
Bertran de Born, 510
Bertrand de Got. See Clement V, Pope
Bertrand du Guesclin, 124, 507
Bestiaire d’amours (Richard de Fournival), 564
Bestiaire (Philippe de Thaün), 531
Bestiary, 531, 564
Bevegnati, Giunta, 445–446
Bezocone, 357
Biblia Poliglota, 476
Biblioteca Marciana in Venice, Petrarca, Francesco, 521
Díaz de Games, Gutierre, 171
Einhard, 197
Birgitta, Saint, 76–77

founder of Brigettine Order, 76, 77
mystic, 76–77
Birth of the Virgin (Pietro Lorenzetti), 417
Bjarni Kolbeinsson, 77–78
skald, 77–78
Black Death, 191
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 82
Florence, 82
France, 528
Pedro I the Cruel, King of Castile, 506
Petrarca, Francesco, 521
Philip VI, King of France, 528
Black Guelfs, 91, 149, 162
alliance with papacy and France, 162
Blanche de Bourbon, Pedro I the Cruel, King of Castile, 502,
Blanche of Castile, 79, 421, 671
as advisor, 421
Afonso III, King of Portugal, 9
Albigensian Crusade, 79
balanced foreign policy, 79
crusades, 421
Marguerite of Provence, Queen of France, 448
opposition to son’s crusade, 79
Pierre Mauclerc, 534
regency, 79
success against baronial opposition, 79
Thibaut de Champagne, 621
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 79–84
Amorosa visione, 81
Black Death, 82
Boethius, 81
Buccolicum carmen, 80–81
Cavalcanti, Guido, 111
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 132
Cino da Pistoia, 80, 142
circle of Petrarch’s acquaintances, 80
Comedy of the Florentine Nymphs, 80–81
at court of Naples, 83–84
Dante Alighieri, 81, 82–83, 84, 166
De vita et moribus domini Francisci Petracchi, 81
Decameron, 79, 82
education, 80
Elegy of Lady Fiammetta, 81
On Famous Women, 83
Fates of Illustrious Men, 83
in Florence, 80–81, 82, 83, 84
in Forlì, 81
framing tale, 82
Genealogy of the Pagan Gods, 80, 83
herald of Renaissance, 79–84
humanist, 79, 82
Il Filocolo, 80
Il Filostrato, 80
Little Treatise in Praise of Dante, 82
lyric poems, 84
name Fiammetta, 81
in Naples, 80
Ninfale fi esolano, 81
novella, 82
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