Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Charles of Anjou, 448, 526, 527, 648
Arnolfo di Cambio, 47–48
Manfred, 440–441
royal commissions, 47–48
Charles of Valois
Challenge of Bordeaux, 509
Pedro III, King of Aragón, 509
Charles the Bald
Eriugena, Johannes Scottus, 206–207
Judith, Empress, 385
Charles the Bold, 530
Charles V the Wise, King of France, 124, 127, 277
attempted confi scation of Brittany, 127
Charles II the Bad, 127
Deschamps, Eustache, 168–169
fi rst styled dauphin, 127
Great Schism, 127
Hundred Years’ War, 127
John, Duke of Berry, 381
political career before becoming king, 127
regained Paris, 127
regent, 127
success for France, 127
taxes, 127
Charles VI, King of France, 128, 349–350
Charles VII, King of France, 128
Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France, 350
John, Duke of Berry, 381–382
mental illness, 128, 350
Charles VII, King of France, 128–129
administrative decentralization, 129
advisers, 128–129
assassination of Duke of Burgundy, 128
Charles VI, King of France, 128
Chartier, Alain, 129
consolidating authority, 129
government in exile, 128
Jeanne d’Arc, 128–129, 368–369
reconquest of France, 128–129
René d’Anjou, 563
Chartier, Alain, 129–131
author, 129–131
Belle dame sans merci, 129, 130
Charles VII, King of France, 129
diplomat, 129–131
ecclesiastical offi ces, 129
followed exiled dauphin, 129
Lay de Plaisance, 130
Livre de l’esperance ou Le livre des trois vertus, 130
poet, 129–131
Quadrilogue invectif, 130
Chartrians, 69–70
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 131–134, 426
Albertanus of Brescia as source, 13
amplifi cation and systematization, 426
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 132
Book of the Duchess, 132
Canterbury Tales, 133–134
civil service posts, 131
classical infl uences, 132

Dante Alighieri, 132
dissemination, 134
fi rst English vernacular textbook, 134
French models, 132
Gower, John, 265, 267
Henryson, Robert, 325, 326
Hoccleve, Thomas, 332
House of Fame, 132
infl uence, 134
Legend of Good Women, 133
linguistic and literary background, 131–132
Ovidian and Italian infl uences, 132
Petrarch, 132
Philip the Chancellor, 530
poet, 131–134
religious infl uences, 132
in royal households, 131
sources, 132–134
Treatise on the Astrolabe, 134
Troilus and Criseyde, 132–133
Chemin de long estude (Christine de Pizan), 138
Chess, Ludus scaccorum (Jacopo de Cessolis), 356
Chevalier au cygne et Godefroid de Bouillon, 260
Childeric I, 144
China, Polo, Marco, 542–543
Chiogga war, Amadeo VI, Count of Savoy, 34
Chirino de Guadalajara, Alonso, 643
Chivalric ideal
Henrique, Prince of Portugal, 311
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, 530–531
Chrétien de Troyes, 35, 135–138, 570, 571, 677
chronology of writings, 135
Cligés, 135, 136, 137
Conte du graal (Perceval), 135, 136, 138
Erec et Enide, 135, 136, 137–138
Le chevalier de la charrette (Lancelot), 135, 136, 137
Marie de Champagne, 135, 137
patrons, 135
self-conscious artistry, 136
sources, 136
troubadour, 135–138
trouvère, 135–138
Christ II (Cynewulf), 154, 155
Jews, tolerance, 204
coexistence, 172–173
relations in Spain, 208–209
Christina of Stommeln
letters, 524
mystic, 524
Petrus de Dacia, 524
Christine de Pizan, 138–139
Épistre Othea, 138–139
author, 138–139
Chemin de long estude, 138
French court, 138
Jeanne d’Arc, 139
Louis of Orléans, 138–139
poet, 138–139
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