Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Compagni, Dino, 149
Cronica, 149
historian, 149
merchant, 149
Compendium historiae in genealogia Christi (Peter of
Poitiers), 515
Compendium studii theologiae (Roger Bacon), 57
Computus, Byrhtferth, 99
Conception Nostre Dame (Wace), 657
Conciliator of the Differences of the Philosophers and
Especially the Physicians (Pietro Abano), 536
Condottiere. See Mercenary soldier
Conferences (John Cassian), 107
Confessio Amantis (John Gower), 266–267
Confessio (Paulus Alvarus), 33
Confessions (Saint Augustine), 519, 520
Confi rmation of the Charters, Edward I, King of England, 190
Congé (farewell poem) (Adam de la Halle), 4–5
Conquête de Constantinople (Geoffroi de Villehardouin), 652
Conrad II, 149–150
Crowned Roman Emperor, 149–150
ecclesiastical policy, 150
expedition to Italy, 149–150
foreign challenges, 150
imperial church, 150
internal rebellions, 150
royal election, 149
rule consolidated, 149
Conrad of Marburg, 150–151
chief inquisitor in Germany, 151
crusades, 150–151
Elizabeth of Thuringia, 151
Conrad of Urach, 151–152
Cistercian, 151
general of Order, 151–152
reformer, 151–152
rigorous administrator, 151–152
Conrad von Soest, 152–153
altarpiece for church of Virgin in Dortmund, 152–153
diffusion of International Courtly Style, 152
Niederwildungen Altarpiece, 152
painter, 152–153
Consolation of Philosophy (Alfred the Great), 28–29, 30
Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius), 132
Constance, Queen of Sicily, 153–154
diplomatic realignment in Italy, 153–154
expelled German barons, 154
issued diplomas in her own name, 153
political activities for son, 154
ruled kingdom day to day, 153
Constitution of Melfi
Frederick II, 232, 532
law, 232
Constitutional revolution, Pedro III, King of Aragón, 509
Constitutiones Clementinae (Pope Clement V), 143
Consubstantiation, 683
Conte du Graal (Chrétien de Troyes), 135, 136, 138, 570, 571
Conversos, anti-converso riots of 1449 in Toledo, 106, 107
Convivio (The Banquet) (Dante Alighieri), 162, 163
Coplas de los pecados mortales (Juan de Mena), 468

Coplas por la muerte de su padre (Jorge Manrique), 441–442
Córdoba, literary culture, 345
Córdoban Martyrs’ Movement
Alvarus, 33
Eulogius of Córdoba, 33, 208–209
Coronation Oration (Francesco Petrarca), 520
Corpus juris civilis, law, 388, 389
Corsi family, Paschal II, Pope, 504
Cortes of Valladolid, Pedro I the Cruel, King of Castile, 507
Cortona, Italy, corporate traditions, 446
Cosmati style, 47, 48
Cosmographer, Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo, 627–628
Cosmographia (Bernard Silvestris), 71
Council of Constance, 22
Great Schism, 249
Council of Vienne, Clement V, Pope, 143
Courtly primer, Thomasîn von Zerclaere, 625
Coutumes de Beauvaisis (Philippe de Remi, Sire de
Beaumanoir), 59
Crónica incompleta (Juan de Flores), 219
Crestiá (Francesc Eiximenis), 198
Cronica (Dino Compagni), 148–149
Crusades, 360. See also Specifi c type
Bernard of Clairvaux, 70
Blanche of Castile, 421
Bohemond of Taranto, 86–87
Burchard of Mount Sion, 98
Conrad of Marburg, 150–151
Council of Clermont, 641–642
Edward I, King of England, 189
effect on cultural life, 588
Frederick I Barbarossa, 230
Frederick II, 231–232
Godefroi de Bouillon, 260
Henry VI, 323
Jacques de Vitry, 359
Jaime II, 508–509
Jiménez de Rada, Rodrigo, 371–372
Louis IX, King of France and Saint, 421
Mézières, Philippe de, 469
Oliver of Paderborn, 488–489
Otto of Freising, 498–499
paradigm, 660
Paschal II, Pope, 504
Pedro III, King of Aragón, 508–509
Richard I, King of England, 378
Saladin’s role, 588
Urban II, Pope, 641–642
Villehardouin, Geoffroi de, 652
Cult of personality, Petrarca, Francesco, 520
Cumpoz (Philippe de Thaün), 531
Cur Deus homo (Anselm of Bec), 38
Curial patrons, Arnolfo di Cambio, 48
Cynewulf, 154–156
Christ II, 154, 155
Elene, 154, 155, 156
Fates of the Apostles, 154, 155
identity, 154–155
Juliana, 154, 155–156
language, 154–155
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