Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Edward III, King of England, 191–192
Commons complained about taxation and purveyance, 191
disputed inheritance of Brittany, 191
founded Order of the Garter, 191
maintaining domestic harmony, 191
military success against Scotland and France, 191
Philip VI, King of France, 528
statute limiting his power, 191
Edward IV, King of England, Richard III, King of England, 567
Edward the Confessor, King of England, 192–193, 670
accession, 192
empty promises of succession, 192
Godwin, Earl of Wessex, 192–193
Harold Godwinson, King of England, 298–299
William as heir, 670
Egeria, 193–194
fi rst travel book, 193
in Holy Land, 193
from Iberian Peninsula, 193
Peregrinatio, 193
religious, 193–194
Ehrenreden, Suchenwirt, Peter, 613
Eike von Repgow, 194
author, 194
law, 194
Sachsenspiegel (Saxon Mirror), 194
Eilhart von Oberg, 194–195
poet, 194–195
Tristrant, 194–195
Einarr Helgason skálaglamm, 195–196
poet, 195–196
skald, 195–196
Vellekla, 195–196
Einarr Skúlason, 196–197
clerical education, 196–197
Elfarvísur, 197
Geisli, 197
skald, 196–197
Einhard, 197
author, 197
biographer, 197
Charlemagne, 197
scholar, 197
Vita Caroli, 197
Eiximenis, Francesc, 198, 217
author, 198
Catalan religious writer, 198
Crestiá, 198
Franciscan, 198
El Cid. See Díaz de Vivar, Rodrigo
El laberinto de Fortuna (Juan de Mena), 467–468, 469
El Victorial (Gutierre Díaz de Games), 170–171
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 35, 198–199, 199, 657, 658
Angevin Empire, 199
childbearing, 199
cultural infl uence, 199
governed Poitou, 199
Henry II, 198–199, 315
imprisonment, 199
Louis VII, King of France, 198–199

power over her children, 199
as regent for Richard and John, 199
role of noblewomen, 199
Elegy of Lady Fiammetta (Giovanni Boccaccio), 81
Elene (Cynewulf), 154, 155, 156
Elfarvísur (Einarr Skúlason), 197
Elias of Cortona, 589
Eliduc (Marie de France), 244
Elipandus metropolitan of Toledo, 58
Elisabeth von Schönau, 199–200
author, 199–200
Benedictine, 199–200
clerical criticism, 200
Liber revelationum de sacro exercitu virginum
Coloniensium, 200
Liber viarum dei (Book of the Ways of God), 200
Liber visionum, 200
mystic, 199–200
Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint, 200–201, 201
canonization, 200
Franciscan, 200
generosity, 200
medicine, 200–201
nursing, 200–201
works of art commemorating, 200–201, 201
Emendatio vitae (Richard Rolle of Hampole), 577
Encina, Juan del, 201–202
Cancionero, 201–202
musician, 201–202
ordained priest, 202
playwright, 201–202
Encyclopedist, Bersuire, Pierre, 74–75
Eneados (Gavin Douglas), 178–179
Eneasroman (The Story of Aeneas) (Heinrich von Veldeke),
Engelbert of Berg, 202–203
assassination, 203
ecclesiastical regime, 202–203
political activities, 202–203
regent for Henry VII, Emperor, 202–203
history, 60–61, 62
loss of territory, 526
English language, 6, 7
Chaucer’s time, 131
literary forms, 131
London dialect, 131
Enrique II, King of Castile, 203–204, 507
alliance between Castile and France, 204
confl ict with Navarre, 204
estate administration, 204
generosity, 204
Hundred Years’ War, 204
opposed stepbrother, Pedro I of Castile, 203–204
parliament, 204
strengthened crown’s power, 204
Enrique IV, King of Castile, 643
Entombment Triptych (Robert Campin), 102
Epistle to Rabbi Judah ben Barzillai (Abraham bar H.iyya), 3
Épistre Othea (Christine de Pizan), 138–139
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