Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Florence, Italy (continued)
Romans vs. Fiesolans, 649
Salutati, Coluccio, 590–591
statistics, 647–648
struggle with Visconti, 590
tratte, 590
Villani, Giovanni, 647–649
war with papacy, 590
Flores, Juan de, 217–218
author, 218–219
courtier, 218–219
Crónica incompleta, 219
Grimalte, 218
Grisel y Mirabella, 218
historian, 218–219
offi cial chronicler to Fernando and Isabel, 218
Triunfo, 218
Flores chronicorum (Bernard Gui), 69
Folz, Hans, 219–220
master craftsman, 219–220
Meistersinger, 219–220
playwright, 219–220
Fontana Maggiore in Perugia, Pisano, Nicola, 540–541
Form of Living (Richard Rolle of Hampole), 577
Fouquet, Jean, 220, 221
painter, 220, 221
Fourth Lateran Council, 348
Framing tale, Boccaccio, Giovanni, 82
Francesco d’Accorso, 220–221
Dante Alighieri, 221
Edward I, King of England, 220–221
law, 220–221
Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone. See Francis of Assisi, Saint
Francesco Stabili. See Cecco d’Ascoli
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 142, 222–225, 624–625
and animals, 224
Anthony of Padua, Saint, 40–41
artists glorifying, 222
Bonaventure, Saint, 222–223
brought peace in several divided cities, 224
Canticle of the Creatures, 224
Clare, Saint, 223
conversion, 222–223
Dante Alighieri, 222
family confl ict, 222
founded Franciscan order, 223
infl uence, 222
Innocent III, Pope, 223–224
love of creation, 224
missionary, 225
at Portiuncula, 223
poverty, 223
preacher, 223–225
stigmata, 223, 225
writings, 225
youth, 222
Francke, Master, 226
painter, 226
Franco of Cologne, 444–445
Franco-Germany, Spain, cultural integration, 50–51

Frankish kingdom
beginning of feudal institutions, 126
Charles Martel, 126
Clovis I, 144–145
Frau Ava, 226–227
Das Leben Jesu (Life of Jesus), 227
earliest German woman author, 227
poet, 226–227
Frauenbuch (Ulrich von Liechtenstein), 640
Frauendienst (Service of Ladies) (Ulrich von Liechtenstein),
Frauenlob, 228
poet, 228
Sangspruchdichtung, 228
Frederick I Barbarossa, 44, 229–230
Arnold of Brescia, 47
crusades, 230
Friedrich von Hausen, 235
Hadrian IV, Pope, 229, 230, 293
Henry the Lion, 320–321
Henry VI, 323
invasions of Italy, 229
Lombard League, 229
Rainald of Dassel, 552–553
antipope Victor IV, 552
empire derived from election by the princes and God,
establishing German imperial hegemony, 552
Hohenstaufen agenda of rejecting papal claims to
primacy, 552
imperial chancellor, 552
programmatic sacralization of Barbarossa’s imperial rule,
relations with papacy, 229–230
relations with princes in Germany, 229–230
Roman republic, 47
Roncaglia decrees, 230
taking authority in Italy, 229–230
Frederick II, 153, 154, 231–234
accession, 231
campaign against Lombards, 232
child-king, 231
coinage, 234
Constitution of Melfi , 232, 532
crusades, 231–232
Gregory IX, Pope, 232–233, 532
Honorius III, Pope, 231–232
Innocent III, Pope, 347–348
Innocent IV, Pope, 233, 349, 532
invasion of papal territories, 233
King of Jerusalem, 232
King of Sicily, 231
law, 232
Lombard League, 232
Otto IV, Emperor, 497–498
Pier della Vigna
Frederick II turns against, 532
polemical campaign in defense of, 532
portraits, 532
senior bureaucrat and offi cer of state, 532
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