Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Pope Innocent III as guardian, 231
revolts in Italy, 233
Roman Emperor, 231
scientifi c author, 234
Sicilian court culture, 234
son Henry, 231, 232
strong political position, 231
suppressed Muslim revolt in Sicily, 231
trouble in Germany, 232
union of imperial and Sicilian crowns, 231
Frederick III, Emperor, 234–235
accession, 234
dynastic quarrels, 235
Hungarian forces out of Austria, 235
papal-imperial relations, 234–235
power of cities and princes, 234
rivals, 235
Frederick of Sicily, 572
Frederigo III of Sicily, 646
Fresco of Maestá (Simone Martini), 454
Friedrich von Hausen, 235–236
Frederick I Barbarossa, 235
minnesinger, 235–236
Froissart, Jean, 236–238
courtier, 236–238
greatest French chronicler, 236–238
historian, 236–238
Les chroniques de France, d’Angleterre et de pas voisins,
poet, 236–238
Frueauf, Rueland, the Elder, 239
innovative style, 239
painter, 239
Fuero Real (Alfonso X, El Sabio, King of Castile and León),
Fugger banking family, 461
Fulbert of Chartres, 240
Bishop of Chartres, 240
Robert II the Pious, King of France, 240

Gace Brulé, 621
Gaddi, Taddeo, 241–242
architect, 242
Daddi, Bernardo, 157
fresco cycle, 241–242
Giotto di Bondone, 241
leading painter of Florentine school, 241
Galen, 54, 536, 647
Gama, Vasco da, 243
explorer, 243
India, 243
trade, 243
García Sanchez, Count of Castile, 591
Gaston V of Béarn, 553
Gautier d’Arras, 243–244
Eracle, 243–244
Ille et Galeron, 243, 244
poet, 243–244
rival of Chrétien de Troyes, 243

Gautier de Coinci, 244–245
author, 244–245
Benedictine, 244–245
Miracles de Nostre Dame, 244–245
Gautier de Montbéliard, 570
Gedichte (Michael Beheim), 64
Geisli (Einarr Skúlason), 197
Gelmírez, Diego, Archbishop of Compostela, 245–246
Alfonso VII, 245–246
great magnate of Galicia, 246
political fi gure, 245–246
royal administrator, 245–246
Genealogy of the Pagan Gods (Giovanni Boccaccio), 80, 83
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 246–247
author, 246–247
Historia regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain),
historian, 246–247
Prophecies of Merlin, 246
Geoffrey Plantagenet, Matilda, Empress, 458
Georgius Florentius. See Gregory of Tours
Gerard Zerbolt of Zutphen, 552
Gerhoh of Reichersberg, 247
author, 247
Church reformer, 247
theologian, 247
Gershom b. Judah, 248
founding father of rabbinic studies in northern Europe, 248
law, 248
talmudic commentary, 248
taqqanot (ordinances), 248
Gerson, Jean, 248–249
author, 248–249
Great Schism, 249
political activities, 249
theologian, 248–249
Gersonides. See Levi ben Gershom
Gerthener, Madern, 249–251
architect, 249–251
sculptor, 250
stone mason of Frankfurt, 249–251
Gerturd von Helfta, 250–251
author, 250–251
mystic, 250–251
Gesta Danorum (Saxo Grammaticus), 593–594
Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae Pontifi cum (History of
the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen) (Adam of
Bremen), 5
Ghent Altarpiece (Jan van Eyck), 644
Ghibellines, 94, 103, 111, 141, 160, 162, 213, 214, 220, 221,
282, 284, 440, 648
Henry VII of Luxembourg, Emperor, 324
Tuscany, 324
Giacomino de Verona, 251–253
poet, 251–253
Giacomo da Lentini, 252–253
inventor of sonnet form, 253
poet, 252–253
Giacomo da Milano. See Jacopo da Milano
Giacopone de’ Benedetti. See Jacopone da Todi
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