Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

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election by the people, 274
France, appointment of bishops, 275
Germany, appointment of bishops, 275
Gregorian reform, 274
Henry IV, Emperor, 275, 319–320
excommunication and deposition, 275
investiture controversy, 273
papal reform, 641
pontifi cate, 274–275
register, 274
renunciation of obedience to, 275
Rudolf of Swabia, 275
Spain, 274–275
territorial claims, 274–275
Gregory IX, Pope
Franciscan order, 224–225
Frederick II, 232–233, 532
Gregory of Tours, 145, 273
author, 273
against Frankish kings, 273
historian, 273
Histories, 273
Gregory XI, Pope, Catherine of Siena, Saint, 109
Grimalte (Juan de Flores), 218
Grisel y Mirabella (Juan de Flores), 218
Grocheio, Johannes de, 276
De musica, 276
music theorist, 276
Grosseteste, Robert, 276–277
Church reform, 277
natural sciences, 276–277
scholar, 276–277
theologian, 276–277
Guelfs, 94, 111, 115, 143, 149, 160, 162, 220, 284, 324, 347,
440, 648. See also Black Guelfs; White Guelfs
Henry VII of Luxembourg, Emperor, 324
Robert of Anjou, King of Naples, 572
Tuscany, 324
Guesclin, Bertrand du, 127, 277
Constable of France, 277
military career, 277
routiers, 277
Guibert de Nogent, 278
autobiography, 278
Benedictine, 278
De vita sua sive monodiarum suarum libri tres, 278
Guibert of Gembloux, 330
Guide for the Perplexed (Maimonides), 627
Guido D’Arezzo, 278–279
innovator, 278–279
Micrologus, 278
music theorist, 278–279
staff in music notation, 278
Guido delle Colonne, 279–280
poems, 279–280
Guidonian hand, 279
Guilhem IX (William IX), 280–281
fi rst troubadour, 280
poems, 280–281
Guillaume de Lorris, 281–282

poet, 281–282
Roman de la Rose, 281–282
Guillaume de Machaut, Deschamps, Eustache, 169
Guillaume Durand. See William Durandus
Guillelmus Duranti. See William Durandus
Guinizzelli, Guido, 111, 282–283
Dante Alighieri, 161, 283
dolce stil nuovo, 282
poet, 282–283
Guittone d’Arezzo, 87–88, 111, 284–285
Cavalcanti, Guido, 285
challenging literary convention, 284–285
Dante Alighieri, 284, 285
Knights of Saint Mary, 284
literary culture in Tuscany and Emilia, 284–285
literary model for 13th century Tuscan poets, 284
moralist, 285
in municipal politics, 284
poetics of formal obscurity, 285
rhetorical artifi ce, 285
Gutenberg, Johann, 286, 286–287
Helmasperger Instrument, 287
invention of printing with movable metal type, 286
role in development of printing, 286–287
Gutenberg Bible, 286, 287
Guthrum, 27
Guzmán, Domingo de, 287–288
Church reform, 287–288
founder of Dominican order, 288
preacher, 287–288
Guzmán, Nuño de, 288–289
commissioned translations, 289
early Spanish humanism, 288–289
Giannozzo Manetti, 288
pilgrimage, 288

Habsburg dynasty, 234–235
Valois dynasty, rivalry between, 461
Hadewijch, 291
mystic, 58, 291
vernacular Middle Dutch, 291
Hadrian I, Pope, 291–292
building program, 292
Charlemagne, 291–292
coinage, 292
emancipation of papacy from Byzantine authority, 291, 292
Lombards ceded territory to papacy, 291
Nicaean canons, 292
openness to Byzantium, 292
writings, 292
Hadrian IV, Pope, 292–293
“apostle of the north,” 293
Arnold of Brescia, 47
Donation of Ireland, 293
Frederick I Barbarossa, 229, 230, 293
political intrigue and confl ict, 293
Roman republic, 47
Scandinavia, 292–293
William I of Sicily, 293
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