Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

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Giannozzo Manetti, Guzmán, Nuño de, 288
Gilbert of Poitiers, 39, 254
Bernard of Clairvaux, 70
theologian, 254
Giles of Rome, 254–255
Aquinas, Thomas, 254, 255
Augustinians, 255
De regimine principum, 254–255
educator, 254–255
philosopher, 254–255
Gilles Binchois, Dufay, Guillaume, 182, 183
Gillibertus Porreta or Porretanus. See Gilbert of Poitiers
Giotto di Bondone, 32, 113, 114, 255–257, 535, 536
Antonio Pucci, 42
Arena Chapel in Padua, 255
Bardi Chapel, 255–256
Cimabue, 256, 257
Dante Alighieri, 255
frescoes, 32, 255–256
Gaddi, Taddeo, 241
infl uence, 257
Madonna and Child Enthroned, 256
from medieval stylization to Renaissance naturalism, 255
narrative drama, 256
painter, 255–257
Peruzzi Chapel, 256
sources, 256–257
travels, 256
workshop, 256
Giovanni Acuto. See Hawkwood, Sir John
Giovanni Colonna, Cardinal, Petrarca, Francesco, 519–520
Giovanni del Virgilio, 257–258
author, 257–258
Dante Alighieri, 257–258
Giovanni di Piano Carpini, 259, 543
Franciscan, 259
historian, 259
Historic Mongolorum (Mongol History), 259
Giovanni Gaetano Orsini. See Nicholas III, Pope
Giusto de’ Menabuoi, 259–260
painter, 259–260
Glossa ordinaria (Anselm of Laon), 39
Gnomic-moralizing tradition, 116
Godefroi de Bouillon, 260
crusades, 260
fi rst Latin ruler of Jerusalem, 260
Godefroi de Leigni, 135
Godernan, scribe, 9
Godfrey of Fontaines, 449
Godfrey of Viterbo, 260–261
historian, 260–261
Pantheon, 261
poet, 260–261
Godwin, Earl of Wessex, Edward the Confessor, King of
England, 192–193
Golden Bull, Charles IV, Emperor, 125
Golden Bull of Rimini, 232
Goliardic tradition, 115
González de Mendoza, Cardinal Pedro, 3
Gottfried von Strassburg, 261–263

greatest poet of German Middle Ages, 261
Tristan, 261–263
Gottschalk, 264
poet, 264
theologian, 264
Gower, John, 134, 265–267
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 265, 267
Confessio Amantis, 266–267
English works, 266–267
French works, 265–266
Latin works, 266
Mirour de l’Omme, 265
monastery of St. Mary Overeys, 265
“To King Henry IV, In Praise of Peace,” 267
Vox Clamantis, 266
Grail, 135, 138, 677, 678
Gramática de la lengua castellana (Elio Antonio de Nebrija),
Grammaticus. See Ælfric
Grasser, Erasmus, 268
master builder, 268
sculptor, 268
Gratian, 269–270
author, 269–270
Decretum, 269
law, 269–270
Roman law, 269–270
Great Mosque of Córdoba, 443
Great Schism, 34, 109, 126, 158, 321, 403, 663
Charles V the Wise, King of France, 127
Council of Constance, 249
Gerson, Jean, 249
Greban, Arnoul, 270
Mystère de la Passion, 270
playwright, 270
Green Count. See Amadeo VI, Count of Savoy
Gregorian chant, 270
Gregorian reform, 274
Gregorius (Hartmann von Aue), 300, 301–302
Gregory I, Pope, 270–272
adviser to Pope Pelagius II, 271
Augustine of Canterbury, 51–52
command of Roman military matters, 271
connections with Franks, 272
to court of Byzantium, 271
defi ned medieval papacy, 270
early life, 270
extended power of Roman see over all others, 271–272
fi nancial manager, 271
infl uence on modern Catholicism, 270
liturgical and musical developments, 270, 272
missionary effort to Angles, 272
monastic life of, 271
Morals, 271
pontifi cate, 271–272
reforms of Roman liturgy, 271
relations with imperial government, 272
relations with Lombards, 272
Gregory VII, Pope, 273–275, 572, 641
deposed, 275
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