Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Hildegard von Bingen (continued)
mystic, 329–330
natural science, 330
Physica (Subtilitatum diversarum naturarum creaturarum
libri novem), 330
preacher, 329
Scivias (Know the Ways), 330
Hilton, Walter, 331–332
author, 331–332
hermit, 331–332
mystic, 331–332
Scale of Perfection, 331–332
Historia calamitatum (Peter Abélard), 1, 310
Historia ecclesiastica nova (Ptolemy of Lucca), 546
Historia regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain)
(Geoffrey of Monmouth), 246–247
Historia scholastica (Peter Comestor), 514, 609
Historia tripartita (Leopold Stainreuter), 607
Historic Mongolorum (Mongol History) (Giovanni di Piano
Carpini), 259
Historic reg’um Britanniae (Geoffrey of Monmouth), 657
Historie van Troyen (Jacob van Maerlant), 353
Histories (Gregory of Tours), 273
History of the Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow (Bede the
Venerable), 62
History of the Bishops of Metz (Paul the Deacon), 505
History of the Kings (Byrhtferth), 100
History of the Lombards (Paul the Deacon), 505
Hoccleve, Thomas, 332
autobiographical passages, 332
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 332
poet, 332
Hohenstaufen dynasty, 231–233, 300, 440–441
Holy Family (Simone Martini), 456
Holy Land
itineraries, 193
travel writing about, 160, 193–194
Homer, Iliad, 160, 164
Honorius III, Pope, 152
Frederick II, 231–232
Hortus deliciarum (Herrad von Hohenburg), 327–328
House of Fame (Geoffrey Chaucer), 132
House of Premysl, 638
House of Savoy, 33–35
House of Tudor, 568
House of Valois, 528, 529
House of York, 567–568
Hrabanus Maurus, 333
author, 333
De institutione clericorum (On the Education of the Clergy),
Saint Benedict’s favorite pupil, 333
teacher, 333
Hrosvit of Gandersheim, 333–334
playwright, 334
poet, 334
Hrynhenda (Arnórr Pórðarson jarlaskáld), 49
Hugh Capet, King of France, 334
Castellan revolution, 334
unable to assert royal authority, 334

Hugh of Saint-Victor, 334–335
author, 335
biblical commentary, 335
mystic, 335
theologian, 335
Hugo von Trimberg, 336
author, 336
Der Renner, 336
Registrum Multorum Auctorum, 336
teacher, 336
Hugues de Saint-Cher, 89, 336–337
biblical commentary, 336–337
law, 336–337
theologian, 336–337
Humanist, Boccaccio, Giovanni, 79, 82
Humility of Faenza, 337
author, 337
mystic, 337
Sermons, 337
Hundred Years’ War, 277, 303, 379, 653
Charles V the Wise, King of France, 127
Enrique II, King of Castile, 204
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, 530
Philip VI, King of France, 528
Wenceslas IV, 664
Wyclif, John, 683

Ibn ‘Abı ̄ A ̄mir. See Mans.u ̄ r, Al-
Ibn Adret, Solomon, 339
adviser to three rulers, 339
historian, 339
law, 339
Maimonides, 339
rabbi, 339
talmudic commentary, 339
Ibn al-Ah.mar, King of Granada, Alfonso X, El Sabio, King of
Castile and León, 25–26
Ibn Dau ̄ d, Abraham, 340
harmony between religion and reason, 340
historian, 340
Jews of al-Andalus, 340
philosopher, 340
Sefer ha-qabbalah (Book of Tradition), 340
Ibn Ezra, Moses, 340–341
Book of Discussion and Conversation, 341
courtier, 340–341
poet, 340–341
rabbi, 340–341
Treatise of the Garden on Metaphorical and Literal
Language, 341
Ibn H.azm, 341–342
author, 341–342
Kita ̄ b al-fi sal fı ̄’l-milal (Decision Among Religions),
Muslim scholar, 341–342
philosopher, 341–342
Tawq al-hama ̄ ma (The Dove’s Necklace), 341
theologian, 341–342
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