Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

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Isabel, Queen of Portugal, 175
skill as conciliator, 175
Isabella of Aragón, 527
Isidore of Seville, Saint, 214, 350–351, 627
Etymologiae, 351
teacher, 350–351
Visigothic Renaissance, 350
Visigoths converted, 350
Averroès, 52–54
Avicenna, 53–54
Charles Martel, 126
Christian responses to life under Muslim rule, 208–209
Eulogius of Córdoba, 208–209
Ibn H.azm, 341–342
medicine, 54
mystical poetry, 600–601
Peter the Venerable, 517
Ramón Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, 553
Saladin (Sala ̄ h al-Dı ̄n Yu ̄ ksuf B. Ayya ̄ b), 588
sects, 342
Italian communalism, Arnold of Brescia, 46–47
Italian language, Dante Alighieri, 163

Jacob van Maerlant, 353–354
Alexanders Geesten (Deeds of Alexander), 353
civil servant, 353
Heimelijkheid der Heimelijkheden (Mirror of Princes),
Historie van Troyen, 353
Merlijn, 353
poet, 353–354
Spiegel Historiael, 354
Jacobus da Voragine, 354–355
Chronicle of Genoa, 355
Dominican order, 354
of Genoa, 354
Legenda sanctorum aurea (Golden Legend), 355
literary works, 355
sermons, 355
Jacobus de Benedictis. See Jacopone da Todi
Jacobus Mediolanensis. See Jacopo da Milano
Jacopo da Carrara the Younger, ruler of Padua, Petrarca,
Francesco, 518
Jacopo da Milano, 355
Franciscans, 355
Stimulus amoris (Prick of Love), 355
Jacopo de’ Benedetti. See Jacopone da Todi
Jacopo de Cessolis, 356–357
Dominican order, 356
Ludus scaccorum, 356
San Domenico in Genoa, 356
social class functions, 356
Jacopone da Todi, 357–358
fi rst religious drama in Italy, 358
Franciscan order, 357
freed by Pope Benedict XI, 358
laude in Umbrian vernacular, 357, 358
mystics, 357–358

opposition to Pope Boniface VIII, 357–358
on women, 358
Jacopus de Tuderto. See Jacopone da Todi
Jacquemart de Hesdin, 152
Jacques de Vitry, 359
author, 359
crusades, 359
historian, 359
preacher, 359
Jaime I, King of Aragón-Catalonia, 216, 360–361
Alfonso X, El Sabio, King of Castile and León, 25–26
autobiography, 360, 361
law, 361
Llibre dels feyts, 360, 361
Mudéjar revolts, 360
negotiated with Mongols, 360
peninsular politics, 360
Reconquest, 360
Jaime II, King of Aragón, 361–362, 592
conquest rights to Sardinia and Corsica, 361–362
crusades, 508–509
diplomatic activity, 361–362
domestic affairs, 362
ended Aragónese military operations in Andalusia, 362
King of Sicily, 361
legal restrictions on crown, 362
ravaging central Mediterranean, 362
reformed royal government, 362
Vilanova, Arnau de, 646
Jaime the Conqueror, 508
Jan Hus, 158, 664
Jan van Boendale, 363–364
Brabantsche yeesten (Brabantine Deeds), 363
Der leken spiegel (The Layman’s Mirror), 363
historian, 363
poet, 363
secretary to aldermen of city of Antwerp, 363
Van den derden Eduwaert, 363
Jan van Ruusbroec, 364–365
author, 364–365
infl uence, 365
mystic, 364–365
Spiritual Espousals, 364–365
Jaufre Rudel, 72, 366
troubadour, 366
Jaume II of Mallorca, 508
Jean Charlier. See Gerson, Jean
Jean de Garlande, 366
Roman de la Rose, 366–367
teacher, 366
Jean de Meun, society’s attitudes toward women, 139
Jeanne d’Arc, 63, 139, 368–369, 369
artistic glorifi cation, 369, 369
capture, 368
Charles VII, King of France, 128–129, 368–369
execution for heresy, 368–369
heroic saints, 368–369
military leader, 368–369
mystic, 368–369
symbolic fi gure, 369
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