Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Jeanne of Burgundy, Philip VI, King of France, 528
Jeanne of Navarre, Queen of France, 369–370
administration of Champagne and Navarre, 369
cultural patron, 370
Philip IV the Fair, King of France, 369–370
political activities, 369–370
Jehan Bodel, 370–371
Chanson des Saisnes, 370–371
Jeu de saint Nicolas, 370–371
trouvère, 370–371
writer, 370–371
Jerome of Prague, 664
Jeu de la feuillée (Adam de la Halle), 4–5
Jeu de Robin et Marion (Adam de la Halle), 4
Jeu de saint Nicolas (Jehan Bodel), 370–371
Jewish law
adapting to local practices, 50–51
Arba’ah t.uriym (Asher B. Yeh.iel), 50
divergence in legal tradition, 50–51
halakhic procedure, 50–51
Jewish scholars
Immanuel Romano, 346–347
Maimonides, 434
Moses ben, 472–473
“Rashi” (Solomon b. Isaac), 555–558
Andalusian, Ibn Dau ̄ d, Abraham, 340
anti-Semitic propaganda, 204
attacks against, 204
Christians, tolerance, 204
family life law, 248
in Germany, 464–465
liturgical practices, 35
moving to Palestine, 464–465
Peñafort, Ramón de, program for proselytizing, 510, 511
Peter the Venerable, 517
Spain, expulsion in 1492, 626
Jiménez de Rada, Rodrigo, 371–372
Archbishop, 371–372
courtier, 371–372
crusades, 371–372
dominant fi gure in Iberian Church, 371–372
Fernando III, King of Castile, 371–372
historian, 372
papacy and, 372
Joachim of Fiore, 176, 337, 372–374, 589
biblical commentary, 372–374
Cistercian order, 373
Florensian order, 372
Franciscan order, 372
prophet, 372–374
Joachimite, Vilanova, Arnau de, 646
Joachism, 589
Franciscan order, 589
Joan, Queen of England, 186
Joan of Arc, 63
Joan of Navarre, Henry IV, King of England, 318
Joanna I, Queen of Naples, 374–375, 572
Hungarian invasion, 374–375
Louis of Taranto, 374, 375

Louis the Great of Hungary, 374–375
Urban VI, Pope, 375
Joao I, King of Portugal, 375–376
crisis of succession, 375–376
Henrique, Prince of Portugal, 311
Nuno’ Alvares Pereira, 376
reforms, 376
war with Castile, 376
Johann von Würzburg, 376–377
author, 376–377
Wilhelm von Österreich, 376–377
Johannes Henslini de Sitbor. See Johannes von Tepl
Johannes von Saaz. See Johannes von Tepl
Johannes von Tepl, 377–378
Ackermann aus Böhmen (Bohemian Plowman), 377–378
John, Duke of Berry, 381, 381–382
art patron, 381
Charles V, King of France, 381
Charles VI, King of France, 381–382
ineptitude at military strategy, 381
John, King of England (John Lackland), 378–379
accepted pope’s terms for lifting sanctions, 378
accession, 378
fi ef of papacy, 378
loss of Normandy, 378
Magna Carta, 379
rebellion, 378–379
resistance to Pope Innocent III, 378
John II the Good, King of France, 127, 379–380
Burgundian faction in French politics, 379
Charles II the Bad, King of Navarre, 123–124
defeat and capture, 379
northwestern France in civil war, 379
royal recovery, 379–380
style of government, 379
John of Fidanza. See Bonaventure, Saint
John of Görlitz, 663
John of Gaunt, 131, 191, 311, 565, 566
John of Salisbury, 69–70, 380
Becket, Thomas, 380
Henry II, King of England, 380
historian, 380
theologian, 380
John of Seville, 380–381
astrologer, 380–381
Epitome of Astrology, 380–381
medicine, 381
scientist, 380–381
translator, 380–381
John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy
assassination, 128
Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France, 350
John V Palaiologos (Palaeologus), Amadeo VI, Count of
Savoy, 34
John XXII, Pope, Ubertino da Casale, 634
Joinville, Jean de, 382
historian, 382
Vie de saint Louis, 382
Joseph d’Arimathie (Tillmann Riemenschneider), 570
Juan Alfonso de Alburquerque, 502, 507
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