Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, 312, 670–671
Robert de Boron, 570–571
Grail poet, 570, 571
Robert de Clari, 652
Robert de Hauteville. See Robert Guiscard
Robert Guiscard, 86, 571–572
allied with papacy, 571–572
invading Byzantium, 572
married into Lombard princely family, 571–572
Normans of Italy, 571
Robert II the Pious, King of France, Fulbert of Chartres, 240
Robert of Anjou, King of Naples, 572–573
Clement V, Pope, 572
Guelf party, 572
Henry VII of Luxembourg, 572
lord of Florence, 572–573
perpetuated corruption and disorder, 572
Robert of Jumièges, 192
Robert of Molesme, 573
Cîteaux monastery, 573
Molesme monastery, 573
Roger Borsa, 86
Roger I, Count of Sicily, 573–574
Norman conquest of Sicily, 573
reorganization of church in Sicily, 574
Roger II, King of Sicily, 574–575
constructed central government in Palermo, 574
created Regno, 574
fi rst modern state, 574–575
multiethnic state, 575
opposition to his rule, 574–575
territory acquired, 574–575
Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, 576–577
De amore Dei contra amatores mundi, 576–577
Emendatio vitae, 577
Form of Living, 577
hermit, 576
Incendium amoris, 577
infl uence, 577
Melos amoris, 577
mystical writer, 576
Roman de Brut (Wace), 400–401, 657–658
Roman de la Rose (Guillaume de Lorris), 281–282, 366
Roman de la Rose (Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun), 131
Roman de la Rose (Jean de Garlande), 366–367
Roman de la Rose (Jean de Meun), 281
Roman de Renart, 305
Roman de Rou (Wace), 67, 658
Roman de Troie (Benoît de Sainte-Maure), 67
Roman law, Gratian, 269–270
Roman republic
Arnold of Brescia, 47
Eugenius III, Pope, 47
Frederick I Barbarossa, 47
Hadrian IV, Pope, 47
Roman see, supreme authority over church universal, 271–272
Cola di Rienzo, 520, 521
Hadrian IV, Pope, 293

Petrarch, 519–520
Romuald of Ravenna, Saint, 578–579
Camaldolese order, 578, 579
founder of Italian eremitical movement, 578, 579
Roncaglia decrees, Frederick I Barbarossa, 230
Rosarium (Uguccione da Pisa), 636
Rosh. See Asher B. Yeh.iel
Routiers, Guesclin, Bertrand du, 277
Rucellai Madonna and Child Enthroned (Duccio di
Buoninsegna), 180
Rudolf of Hapsburg, Nicholas III, Pope, 479
Rudolf of Swabia, Gregory VII, Pope, 275
Rudolf von Ems, 579
historian, 579
poet, 579
Staufer court, 579
Rule of St. Augustine, Dominican order, 288
Rustico Filippi, 580
comic style in medieval Italian lyric, 580
poet, 580
Rutebeuf, 581–583
comic pieces, 581
crusade poems, 582
historical content, 581
medieval urban poetry, 581
moral poems, 582
patrons, 581
poems of personal misfortune, 582–583
political poems, 581, 582
signature pun, 582
variety of genres, 581

Sacchetti, Franco, 585–586
civic life in Florence, 585
descriptions of everyday life, 585–586
poet, 585–586
writer, 585–586
Sachsenspiegel (Saxon Mirror) (Eike von Repgow), 194
Sacrifi cio de la Misa (Gonzalo de Berceo), 69
Sæmundar Edda (Sæmundr Sigfússon inn Fródi), 587
Sæmundr Sigfússon inn Fródi, 586–587
founding father of historical writing in Iceland, 586–587
historian, 586–587
Sæmundar Edda, 587
Saint Ansanus Annunciation (Simone Martini), 455–456
Saint Dominic Altarpiece, Traini, Francesco, 628, 629
Saint Ladislas (Simone Martini), 456–457
Saint Louis Altarpiece (Simone Martini), 454
Saint-Denis, France, 613–614
Saladin (Sala ̄ h al-Dı ̄n Yu ̄ ksuf B. Ayya ̄ b), 588, 588
captures Jerusalem, 588
champion of Islam against crusaders, 588
in Egypt, 588
King Richard the Lionheart, 588
Nur al-Din, Emir of Syria, 588
power struggle with Zangids, 588
reputation for generosity and chivalry, 588
Sultan of Egypt and Syria, 588
Third Crusade, 588
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