Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Ramón Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, 553–554
administration, 554
ecclesiastical reform, 554
in Provence, 553
struggle against Islam, 553
territories won, 553–554
Raoul de Houdenc, 554
Chrétien epigones, 554
Meraugis de Portlesguez, 554
poet, 554
Raoul Glaber, 554–555
apocalyptic interpretation of millennial dates, 554–555
historian, 554–555
William of Volpiano, 554–555
Rashi script, 558
“Rashi” (Solomon b. Isaac), 555–558
attitude toward Christians, 557
Biblical commentary, 555, 557
on customs, 557–558
education, 555–556
fi rst known printed Hebrew book, 555
language, 558
Jewish scholar, 555–558
legal decisions, 555, 556
opposed to secular learning, 558
talmudic commentary, 555, 556–557
Torah commentary, 557
Rationalism, 627
Raymond of Capua, Catherine of Siena, Saint, 109
Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye (William Caxton), 114
Reductorium morale (Pierre Bersuire), 75
Reform synods, Damian, Peter, 159
Nuremberg, 610
Sverrir Sigurðarson, King of Norway, 617
William of Ockham, 673
Reginald of Orléans, 177
Registrum Multorum Auctorum (Hugo von Trimberg), 336
Regula bullata, Franciscan order, 224–225
Regularis concordia, 66
Reinald of Dassel, Archpoet, 44
candor about own shortcomings, 44
occasional poems, 44
Reinhart Fuchs (Reynard the Fox) (Heinrich der Glîchezâre),
Reinmar der Alte, 559–560, 661
man’s voice, 559
woman’s voice, 559
Walther von der Vogelweide, 560
Reinmar von Hagenau. See Reinmar der Alte
Reinmar von Zwetter, 560–561
singers of Spruchdichtung, 560–561
Relatio de legatio Constantinopolitana (Report on the Embassy
to Constantinople) (Liudprand of Cremona), 408
Religion, philosophy, relationship, 53
Remede de Fortune (Guillaume de Machaut), 429, 430
Remedia amoris (Ovid), 35
Remigio dei Girolami, 561–562
Dante Alighieri, 561

Dominican, 561–562
lector of Santa Maria Novella, 561
preacher, 561–562
writings, 561–562
René d’Anjou, 563
Charles VII, 563
Louis XI, 563
patron of the arts, 563
treatise on tournaments, 563
Rennewart (Ulrich von Türheim), 640–641
Repertorium morale (Pierre Bersuire), 75
Repressor of Over Much Blaming of the Clergy (Reginald
Pecock), 505
Republicanism, 648
Ptolemy of Lucca, 547
Rerum memorandarum libri (Francesco Petrarca), 520, 522
Rhabanus. See Rabanus Maurus
Rhineland Franks, 144
Richard de Fournival, 564
Bestiaire d’amours, 564
library, 564
poet, 564
Richard I, King of England, 564–565
crusades, 378, 564, 565
enlargement of nonnobles’ participation in government, 565
governance of England during absence, 565
role in Angevin politics, 564, 565
warred with father and brother, 564
Richard II, King of England, 199, 565–567
Appellants, 566
Bolingbroke, 566
deposed, 566
government in his minority, 565–566
Peasant Rebellion, 565
personal characteristics, 566
restructuring of magnate power, 566
truces with French, 566
Wenceslas IV, 663
Richard III, King of England, 567–568
Battle of Bosworth, 568
Edward IV, King of England, 567
Henry VII, King of England, 568
murder of his nephews, 568
rebellion of Duke of Buckingham, 568
Shakespeare’s portrayal, 567
Richard of Saint-Victor, 568–569
De arca mystica, 568
De duodecim patriarchiis, 568
Victorine spirituality, 568
writer on mysticism, 568
Riemenschneider, Tillmann, 569, 569–570
altarpieces, 569–570
generative power, 571
Joseph d’Arimathie, 570
Münnerstadt altarpiece, 569
in politics, 569
sculptor, 569, 569–570
tomb monuments, 570
Rimado de Palacio (Pero López de Ayala), 414
Ring (Heinrich Wittenwiler), 675
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