Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

trade, 588
Salian dynasty, 149–150
Salian Franks, 144
Salic Law, 144
Salimbene de Adam, 589–590
Chronicle, 589–590
education, 589
Franciscan order, 589
Salutati, Coluccio, 590–591
ancient literature, 590
chancellor of Florence, 590
Florentine author of offi cial letters, 590
political role, 590
rebirth of Greek studies in western Europe, 590
Samuel Ha-Nagid, 549
San Basilio church, Margaret of Cortona, Saint, 446
San Lorenzo (Gonzalo de Berceo), 68
San Michele tabernacle (Andrea di Cione Orcagna), 490
San Torpè Master, 629
Sancho II, King of Portugal, 9, 10, 172
Sancho III, King of Navarre, 591
culture, 591
descendants, 591
Emperor of Hispania, 591
marriage of sister Urraca to King Alfonso V of León, 591
skillful manipulation of marriage alliances, 591
unifying Christian states, 591
Sancho IV, King of Castile, 173, 592–593
alliance with Aragón, 592
allied with France, 592
Lope Díaz de Haro, 592
struggle for straits of Gibraltar, 592
Santa Croce nave (Andrea di Cione Orcagna), 489–490
Santa Oria (Gonzalo de Berceo), 68
Santiago de Compostela, 442–443
Gelmírez, Diego, Archbishop of Compostela, 245
pilgrimage, 24, 214, 591
Santo Domingo (Gonzalo de Berceo), 68
Saturnalia (Macrobius), 431–432
Savasorda. See Abraham bar Hiyya
Savoyard state, 33–35
Saxo Grammaticus, 593–594
Gesta Danorum, 593–594
historian, 593–594
Saxon dynasty, 298
Scale of Perfection (Walter Hilton), 331–332
Scaliger lords, 103
Scandinavia, 5
end of Viking Age, 296–297
politics, 447–448
union of countries, 447–448
Scholastic method
Abélard, Peter, 2
Aquinas, Thomas, 44
Scholastic philosophy, 601–602, 683
Schongauer, Martin, 596
altarpieces, 596
artist, 596
engravings, 596
Madonna of the Rose Arbor, 596

Netherlandish art, 596
School of Chartres, 672
Science, diffusion of Arabic, 506
Scito te ipsum (Peter Abélard), 2
Scivias (Know the Ways) (Hildegard von Bingen), 330
Scribe, Godernan, 9
Second Order of Saint Dominic, 287
Secretum (Francesco Petrarca), 520
Secular rule, consensual adoption, 13
Sefer ha-qabbalah (Book of Tradition) (Abraham Ibn Dau ̄ d),
Self-mortifi cation, 357
Semi-Pelagianism, 107
Seneca, 81
Sententiae (Peter Lombard), 185, 514–515
Sententiarum libri quinque (Peter of Poitiers), 515
Sercambi, Giovanni, 597
author, 597
Chronicle of the Affairs of Lucca, 597
Monito, 597
Novelle, 597
Sermo Lupi ad Anglos (The Sermon of Wolf to the English)
(Wulfstan of York), 681
Sermon on the Sacrifi ce on Easter Day (Ælfric), 7
Sermones super Cantica canticorum (Bernard of Clairvaux),
Sermons (Humility of Faenza), 337
Servatius (Heinrich von Veldeke), 310
Seuse, Heinrich, 598
Büchlein der ewigen Weisheit (Little Book of Eternal
Wisdom), 598
Büchlein der Wahrheit (Little Book of Truth), 598
Dominican, 598
mystical writer, 598
poet, 598
Shem Tov of Carrión, 598–599
Castilian rabbi, 598–599
Pedro I the Cruel, King of Castile, 598, 599
poet, 598–599
Proverbios morales, 598–599
Shepherd, character of, 202
Shield poem, 92–93
Showings, or Revelations of Divine Love (Julian of Norwich),
Shulh-an ‘arukh, 50
Shushtarı ̄, al-, abu ̄ al-H.asan, 599–601
Hispano-Arabic mystical poet, 599–601
mystical writer, 599–601
relationship between lyrical and mystical, 600
yoking of theological and aesthetic perspective, 600
zajal, 600–601
Sic et non (Peter Abélard), 1–2
Sicilian Vespers, 90, 508, 527
secular Greek texts available, 45
struggle between Anjoy and Aragón, 90
Siege of Thebes (John Lydgate), 425, 426
Siena, Italy
Duccio di Buoninsegna, 179–181
Pisano, Giovanni, 536–537
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