Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

William Occam. See William of Ockham
William of Auvergne, 22, 671
writer, 671
William of Conches, 672
grammarian, 672
scientist, 672
writer, 672
William of Ockham, 486, 672–673
Dialogue, 672
Franciscan, 486, 672–673
logic, 672
“Ockham’s razor,” 673
philosopher, 486, 672–673
Reformation, 673
separation between faith and reason, 672
theologian, 486, 672–673
William of Paris. See William of Auvergne
William of Rubruck, 543
William of Saint-Amour, 673
attacks on mendicant way of life, 673
William of Saint-Thierry, 673–674
Abélard, Peter, 673
Benedictine, 673
Bernard of Clairvaux, 673
Cistercian, 673–674
monastic theology, 674
William of Volpiano, Raoul Glaber, 554–555
William the Pious of Aquitaine, 170
Winchester cathedral, Æthelwold of Winchester, 9
Winchester School, 66
Wirnt von Grafenberg, 674
clerical administrator, 674
poet, 674
Wigalois, 674
writer, 674
Wittenwiler, Heinrich, 675
comic-didactic verse satire, 675
episcopal court in Constance, 675
Ring, 675
technical writing, 675
Witz, Konrad, 675–676
Heilsspiegel Altar, 676
painter, 675–676
St. Peter Altarpiece, 676
Wolfger von Erla, 625

Wolfram von Eschenbach, 676–680
greatest German epic poet of High Middle Ages, 676
Parzival, 676, 677–678
Titurel, 676, 679
Willehalm, 676, 678–679
Wolgemut, Michael, 541–542, 680–681
painter, 680–681
printmaker, 680–681
workshop, 680
Wulfstan of Winchester, 9
Wulfstan of York, 681–682
Ælfric of Eynsham, 682
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 681
author, 681–682
counselor to Æthelred and Cnut, 681–682
great stylist in OE prose, 681
law, 681–682
Sermo Lupi ad Anglos (The Sermon of Wolf to the English),
sermons, 681–682
statesman, 681
Wyclif, John, 682–683
Hussites, 683
Lollard movement, 682–683
philosopher, 682–683
in politics, 683
royal service, 682–683
theologian, 682–683
Wycliffi te Bible, Trevisa, John, 630
Wycliffi te Czechs, 664
Wycliffi te faction, 664
Wynkyn de Worde, 114

Yesode ha-tebunah u-migdal ha-emunah (The Foundations of
Reason and the Tower of Faith) (Abraham bar H.iyya),
Ymago mundi (Peter Aliacus), 147
Yu ̄ suf Ibn Ta ̄ shfı ̄n of Morocco, 24

Zajal, 600–601
Shushtarı ̄, al-, abu ̄ al-H.asan, 600–601
Zohar (The Book of Splendor or Enlightenment) (Mosés de
León), 404–405
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