A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 585

Crusaders see Crusades/Crusaders
early Church and Christian beliefs
influence on Judaism: in arts and
crafts 369; in clerical dress
450–51, 461; through conversos
371; in mourning customs 384;
possible influence on rabbinic
Judaism 268; in synagogue
services 449, 450
Inquisition see Inquisition
interest in Jewish scholarship 318–19
Jerusalem Church 189, 192
and Jesus see Jesus of Nazareth:
and the Christian faith
Jewish biblical interpretation in a
Christian world 256
Jewish Christians 55–6, 195–6,
Jewish polemic against 256–7
Jewish writings preserved only
through 113
Judaism contrasted by Hirsch with
Judaizing groups 196
kabbalah appropriation 352,
librarians 313
millenarianism 371, 407
and Neoplatonism 352
Orthodox 361
Paul’s mission to the gentiles
191–3, 194–5; and question of
Christian gentiles converting to
Judaism 194–5
persecution of 188–9; by Saul of
Tarsus 191
preservation of non-Christian
Jewish writings 243
and the privatization of religion 439
Protestant see Protestantism
Reformation 361, 370
relating creed to Judaism 192–7,
Rosenzweig’s view 472

salvation notions 194–5
Second Coming expectations
self-designation as the true Israel
198, 529–30
in Spain 236–7
treatment of women 439
varied forms of Christianity arising
from disunity of Christendom
wars of religion 360, 362
Chronicles 17, 19, 22–3, 26, 37
Chronicles of Solomon bar Simson
Chrysostom, Dio 129
Chrysostom, John 289
Cicero 32, 56
Cincinnati 467, 471, 479
circumcision 81–2, 95, 111
of Idumaeans 98
Claudius 104, 106, 108, 112
Clement of Alexandria 172, 178, 179
Clement VII, Pope 359, 360
Cleopatra VII 91, 98
clothing see dress/clothing
Cochin 239
Cohen, Hermann 469–70, 471, 472,
Cohen, Isaac 351
Cohen, Jacob 351
coins 19, 25, 98, 101, 105, 245
Collatio Legum Mosaicum et
Romanarum 297
Cologne 237
Columbus, Christopher 360, 363
Columbus convention, Ohio 475
Communism 441–2, 446
Community Rule, Qumran 55,
148–58, 164, 216, 217
Conservative Judaism 484, 491–7, 517
Commission on the Philosophy of
the Conservative Movement
and homosexuals 520
in Israel 496
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