A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

index 587

Daniel, Brother (a baptized Jew) 451
Daniel, book of 26, 32, 84–5, 94,
211, 217, 534
Susanna story in Greek version
Darius 12, 13
darshanim 249
Darwinian theories 439
David, King 10–11, 23, 41, 51, 75,
census 84
depicted as an Orpheus figure
255–6, 295
David haBavli 327, 328
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
54–5, 56, 84–5, 455
liturgy 253, 300, 384, 449
synagogue service 281, 449
Dead Sea scrolls xxviii, 29–30, 32,
33, 34, 48, 56, 63, 65, 72, 100,
113, 146–8, 156–7, 203, 212
Ben Sira fragments 36
biblical texts 27, 31, 33, 48, 82,
147, 155
Community Rule 55, 148–58, 164,
216, 217
Damascus Document 150–51,
155, 156, 158, 164
and evil spirits 208
Habakkuk commentary 63
messianism 215–17
Miksat Ma’asei haTorah
(4QMMT) 154, 155, 200
prayer texts 65, 66
on purity and pollution 154,
Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice
147, 209
and the Teacher of Righteousness
152–3, 154, 156–7, 183
and the Temple 151, 154–5
Temple Scroll 151
War Scroll 151, 153, 156, 157,
208, 209, 214, 215–16
death 86

and reincarnation 116, 218, 345,
394, 397
rolls (yizker‑buch) 384
Decalogue 66, 76, 83
Demetrius I Soter 97
Demetrius II Nicator 97
demons 207–8 see also exorcism
Denmark 364
Deuteronomy 26, 30, 78, 85, 208–9,
452, 530
Sifre on 28, 264, 274
diaspora 21, 23, 230, 233
adapting to modern socio-cultural
changes 438–9, 446–7, 494–5,
assimilation 438, 441, 443–4, 446,
464, 472, 474, 476
in Babylonia 233–5, 270, 283, 284
and the blood libel 238
under Communism 441–2, 446
Council of the Four Lands 374
in Egypt see Egypt: Jewish
in England see England
and the European Renaissance
in France see France
in Germany see Germany
intermarriage 437–8, 446, 464
in Islamic world 230, 231–2,
234–7, 238, 250, 271; and
Israel’s ‘violation’ of Dar
al-Islam 446
in Italy see Italy
in the Netherlands see Netherlands
in Poland see Poland
prayer for local government 449
priests in 52–3, 55, 58
and religious life of eastern
European market towns 440
in Roman world 108, 294–9;
study of Judaism in Rome
272–3; uprisings against Roman
state 232
in Romania 444
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