Burnt by the Sun. The Koreans of the Russian Far East - Jon K. Chang

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272 Index

Soviet socialism: actual and legal equality,
1–2, 4, 69–82 passim, 96, 147, 175,
215n.84; citizenship, 23–24; literacy
campaigns (likbez), 26, 147
“Soviet xenophobia” (Martin), 150 , 171,
174 –176, 227n.57, 239n.123, 239n.127,
Stalin (Iosif Dzjugashvili), 2, 51, 69,
80 –84 passim, 92, 96, 112–141 passim,
189 –190, 202n.15, 205n.15, 205n.77,
215n.86, 217nn.1–5, 233n.164,
233nn.11–12, 237n.71, 247, 248; Stalin’s
control of the OGPUNKVD, 80; Stalin
and the Great Terror, 160–165, 167,
174 –179; Stalin’s influence on Pravda
(newspaper) in 1937, 149–153,
Stalin on the German people
(Primordialism), 178
Stalin’s constitution (the 1936
constitution), 177–178, 240n.148
Statiev, Alexander, 239n.118
Stock Society of Kamchatka (a Japanese-
Soviet concession), 104, 222n.105
Stolypin, Pyotr A., 100
Suny, Ronald G., 241n.5

Ten, Konstantin, 121, 254
Territorial autonomy, 1, 38, 45, 52, 82–89,
91, 93, 146–147, 156
Ti, Khai Ir (Vasilii), 5–6, 171–173, 181,
195 , 239n.119
Tlostanova, Madina, 231n.129
Transnationalism (RFE), 18
Treaty of Kanghwa, 10
Treaty of Seoul, 14–15
Trotsky, Lev (Leon), 2, 45, 80–81, 96,
137 , 146, 151, 217n.2
“Tsarist continuities” (theory), 2, 6, 69,
130 , 163, 174–178, 224n.130

Tskhai, Egor I., 165, 231n.81
Tskhai, Evgenia, 68, 114, 168, 170,
230n.119, 254

Ukhtomskii, Esper E. (Prince), 17, 20–21,
186 , 205n.64
Unterberger, P.F. (Priamur governor-
general 1905–1910), 15–17, 21–22, 103,
186 , 204n.47
Uzbekistan, chapters 7–9 (throughout),
173 (map 3)

Vagin, V. (Tsarist ethnographer), 10, 18
Village Soviets (Korean), 46 , 56, 68, 87,
120 , 147, 212n.23
Voitinskii, G.N. (Korean section,
Dalbureau), 92–94, 106

Weale, Putnam, 41
Weitz, Eric D., 194, 222n.104, 240n.140,
Werth, Nicolas, 207n.3, 227n.54
White, John Albert, 39
White Guardists, Russian (the Whites,
anti-Bolshev iks), 39, 148–150, 190
Witte, Sergei, 16, 204n.42, 207n.9,
Women and gender equality: the “double
shift,” 124, 226n.47, 226n.49;
preference to educate sons, 41; lives in
Korean villages, 96; literacy rates
(1920 s), 71; occupations (Vladivostok in
1916), 31; Soviet Korean women’s
conference, 148 (figure 11)

Yi, Tong Hwi (partisan), 40

Zinoviev, Grigorii E., 45, 81, 96, 137, 146,
151 , 163, 217n.2
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