The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1

 Notes to Pages 91–93

  1. M. Şükrü Haniogˇlu, The Young Turks in Opposition (New York: Oxford
    University Press, 1995 ), 4.

  2. Ernest Ramsaur refers to him as “Selânikli Nazım” and explains that this
    was because he was “a resident of Salonika.” But the reason the organization’s
    founder, İbrahim Temo (upon whose World War II–era memoir Ramsaur bases
    his history) called him Salonikan was because he was a Dönme. By World War II,
    “Salonikan” was equated with “Dönme.” Ramsaur, Young Turks, 15 ; and İbrahim
    Temo, İttihad ve Terakki Cemiyetinin teşekülü ve hidematı vataniye ve inkılâbı
    milliye dair hatıratım (Medgidia, Romania: n.p., 1939 ), 16 – 18 ; and Mehmet Zeki
    Pakalın, “Dönme,” Osmanlı tarih deyimleri ve terimleri sözlügˇü (Istanbul: Milli
    Egˇitim Basımevi, 1946 ), 474.

  3. Ramsaur, Young Turks, 24.

  4. Haniogˇlu, Young Turks in Opposition, 200.

  5. Ibid., 202 – 3 ; Ramsaur, Young Turks, 90 – 91.

  6. M. Şükrü Haniogˇlu, Preparation for a Revolution: The Young Turks, 1902 –
    1908 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001 ), 306.

  7. Haniogˇlu, Young Turks in Opposition, 18 – 23 , 71.

  8. Ibid., 208 – 9. Demolins’s work was entitled A quoi tient la supériorité des
    Anglo-Saxons? [To What Is Anglo-Saxon Superiority Due?] (Paris: Firmin-Didot,
    1897 ) and claimed that the secret lay in British and American governmental de-
    centralization and individualism, or private initiative. See also Ramsaur, Young
    Turks, 81 – 87.

  9. Yusuf Akçura, “Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset,” Türk, no. 24 (April 14 , 1904 ): 1 , quoted
    in Haniogˇlu, Preparation for a Revolution, 67.

  10. Haniogˇlu, Young Turks in Opposition, 210 ; id., Preparation for a Revolution,
    40 – 41. The Armenians, it was claimed, had “done nothing for the maintenance
    of the common fatherland” and had “not shed a drop of blood to this end.” Sami
    Paşazade Sezai, “Ermeni mes’elesi,” Şûra-yı Ümmet, no. 57 (August 13 , 1904 ):
    120 , quoted in Haniogˇlu, Preparation for a Revolution, 42. Moreover, “The for-
    tunes that they have made, the arts that they have mastered all arise from the
    fact that they have lived at our expense.” Ulugˇ, “Ermeniler,” Türk, no. 110 (n.d.
    [ 1906 ?]): 2 , quoted in Haniogˇlu, Preparation for a Revolution, 69.

  11. Haniogˇlu, Young Turks in Opposition, 211 , 216.

  12. Ibid., 168.

  13. Ibid., 53. See also Ramsaur, Young Turks, 109 – 113. He also mentions the
    Melami order’s role.

  14. Irène Melikoff, “L’ordre des Bektaşi après 1826 ,” Turcica 15 ( 1983 ): 155 –

  15. Quoted in Ramsaur, Young Turks, 113.

  16. Haniogˇlu, Young Turks in Opposition, 54.

  17. Ibid., 54 – 65

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