The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Notes to Pages 93–96 

  1. Ibid., 34.

  2. Ibid., 34 – 35.

  3. Ibid. 38.

  4. Ibid., 40.

  5. Haniogˇlu, Preparation for a Revolution, 212.

  6. Haniogˇlu, Young Turks in Opposition, 41.

  7. Jacob, Strangers Nowhere in the World, 97 – 98.

  8. Ibid., 8.

  9. Haniogˇlu, The Young Turks in Opposition, 35.

  10. Robert Olson, “The Young Turks and the Jews: A Historiographical Revi-
    sion,” Turcica 18 ( 1986 ): 231 ; Paul Dumont, “La Franc-Maçonnerie d’obédience
    française à Salonique au début du XXe siècle,” Turcica 16 ( 1984 ): 74.

  11. Dumont, “Franc-Maçonnerie,” 93.

  12. Yıldız Sertel, Annem, 35.

  13. Osman Adil, “Arz,” Gonca-i Edeb, no. 2 (March 15 , 1883 ): 23 ; “Bahçe,”
    ibid., no. 4 (April 15 , 1883 ); “Su,” ibid., no. 5 (April 30 , 1883 ): 77 , continued in
    no. 6 (May 15 , 1883 ): 94 ; “Ziya,” ibid., no. 7 (June 1 , 1883 ): 109 ; “Mısır,” ibid.,
    no. 8 (June 15 , 1883 ): 124 – 25 , continued in no. 9 (January 15 , 1884 ): 138 , and no.
    10 (February 15 , 1884 ): 150.

  14. Dumont, “Franc-Maçonnerie,” 73.

  15. Ibid., 77.

  16. Ibid., 71.

  17. Ibid., 72 – 73.

  18. Alkan, Terakki Vakfı ve Terakki Okulları, 46 – 47.

  19. David Farhi, “Yehudei Saloniki be-mehafikat ha-Turkim ha-Tzeirim,” Se-
    funot 15 ( 1981 ): 135 – 53.

  20. Yıldız Sertel, Annem, 47.

  21. Ibid., 36.

  22. It also paralleled that of Jews. As Haniogˇlu notes, “prominent figures of the
    Jewish community in Salonica, such as Emmanuel Carasso, Nesim Matzliach,
    Nesim Ruso, and Emmanuel Salem, became CPU members and worked closely
    with the CPU Internal Headquarters.” Because these men were also influential
    Freemasons, they made their lodges available for secret meetings and the storage
    of their secret documents. Haniogˇlu, Preparation for a Revolution, 260.

  23. Haniogˇlu, Young Turks in Opposition, 88.

  24. Ibid.

  25. Ibid., 89.

  26. Ibid., 168.

  27. M. Şükrü Haniogˇlu, “Jews in the Young Turk Movement to the 1908
    Revolution,” in The Jews of the Ottoman Empire, ed. Avigdor Levy (Princeton:
    Darwin Press, 1994 ), 521.

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