The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Notes to Pages 178–186 

history up to date and discussing the Dönme at length. Page numbers given
parenthetically in the text refer to the book, Gövsa, Sabatay Sevi.
67. Interview, summer 2006.
68. When Yitzhak Ben-Tzevi visited the descendants of Dönme in 1943 to as-
sess their situation in the new republic, he found that some Dönme prayers were
still in use. Ben-Tzevi, “Preface,” trans. Lenowitz, 102.
69. Ibid., 72.
70. Son Saat, November 26 , 1925.
71. Son Saat, November 27 , 1925.
72. Todd Endelman, “Jewish Self-Hatred in Britain and Germany,” in Two
Nations: British and German Jews in Comparative Perspective, ed. Michael Brenner
et al. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1999 ), 344 ; 362 – 63.
73. Till Van Rahden, “ ‘Germans of the Jewish Stamm’: Visions of Commu-
nity Between Nationalism and Particularism, 1850 to 1933 ,” in German History
from the Margins, 1800 to the Present, ed. Mark Roseman, Nils Roemer, and Neil
Gregor (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006 ), 38.
74. Interview in Vakit by İhsan Arif, January 17 , 1924.
75. Aamir Mufti, “Secularism and Minority: Elements of a Critique,” Social
Text 45 ( 1995 ): 75 – 96.
76. Carlebach, “Ohne Messias: Dönmehs,” 176.
77. Viswanathan, Outside the Fold, xi.

Chapter 8

  1. Tesal, Selânik’ten İstanbul’a, 77 , 95 , 100 , 101.

  2. Interviews, summer 2003 ; Yıldız Sertel, Annem, 80 – 81. Perlmann, “Dönme”
    (cited in Introduction, n. 21 , above), claims otherwise: “This change of domicile,
    the dispersal that followed, the loss of contact with the solid Jewish atmosphere
    of Salonika, the influence of the secular Turkish national school, all contributed
    to a growing loss of cohesion and indifference among the younger generation
    of the Dönme although group existence, especially in the area of social welfare,

  3. İlkin, “Câvid Bey, Mehmet.”

  4. Mustafa Rahmi, descendant of Major Sadık’s hero Evrenos Ghazi, was an
    influential and early member of the CUP in Salonika, deputy in the Ottoman
    parliament in 1908 and 1912 , and governor of Izmir in 1914 – 15 , but was also
    forced into exile and sentenced in absentia for plotting against the president.
    Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 144 – 45.

  5. Çagˇlar Keyder, “The Setting,” in Istanbul: Between the Global and the Local,
    ed. id. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999 ), 3.

  6. Ibid.

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