The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Notes to Pages 214–221 

  1. An estimate of eighteen thousand is given in Sciaky, Farewell to Salonica,
    90 ; that of twenty thousand in Yıldız Sertel, Annem, 24.

  2. Iōannēs K. Chasiōtēs, “First After the First and Queen of the Worthy: In
    Search of Perennial Characteristics and Landmarks in the History of Thessalo-
    niki,” in Thessaloniki: Queen of the Worthy, ed. id., 28 ; Mazower, Salonica, City
    of Ghosts, 310.

  3. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 327.

  4. Interview, summer 2007.

  5. Efēmeris tōn Balkaniōn, March 21 , 1923.

  6. Kostas Tomanas, Chroniko tēs Thessalonikēs, 1821 – 1944 (Skopelos, Greece:
    Nēsides, 1996 ), 39 – 40.

  7. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 323.

  8. MMKTT, 33270.

  9. MMKTT, 38629.

  10. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 340.

  11. Efēmeris tōn Balkaniōn, June 10 , 1925.

  12. Ibid., June 14 , 1925.

  13. Ibid., June 15 , 1925.

  14. Ibid., June 17 , 1925.

  15. Ibid., October 30 , 1927.

  16. Tomanas, Chroniko tēs Thessalonikēs, 39.

  17. Ioannis A. Skourtis, “Prospathies idrisis austriakou emborikou
    epimelitērēou kai austriakis trapezas stē Thessalonikē ( 1887 – 1894 ),” in Greek
    Historical Society, XVI Panhellenic Historical Congress (May 26 – 28 , 1995 ), Pro-
    ceedings (Thessaloníki), 315.

  18. Stavroulakis, Salonika: Jews and Dervishes, 17.

  19. Ibid., 17 , 47.

  20. Gordlevsky, “Zur Frage über die ‘Dönme,’ ” 200 – 201.

  21. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 383 ; Fleming, Greece: A Jewish History,
    94 , 97.

  22. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 410 – 16.

  23. Stavroulakis, Salonika: Jews and Dervishes, 383.

  24. Ibid., 418.

  25. Stavroulakis, Salonika: Jews and Dervishes, 18.

  26. Interview, summer 2007.

  27. Corry Guttstadt, Die Türkei, die Juden, und der Holocaust (Berlin: Assozi-
    ation A, 2008 ), 267.

  28. Hıfzı Topuz, 100 soruda Türk basın tarihi, 2 nd ed. (Istanbul: Gerçek
    Yayınevi, 1996 ), 82 – 83.

  29. Yalman, Yakın tarihte geçirdiklerim ve gördüklerim, 2 : 1032 , 1053.

  30. Yıldız Sertel, Annem, 115.

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